I have a raster that I received from a colleague that has a different center northing parameter from another map in the same projection. All the rest of the region and projection information are correct. I think what I need to do is to re-project the new raster to match the center northing parameter of the old map. Which command should I be using to accomplish this within GRASS? Or, should I be using an external tool like gdalwarp on the original img file (before I import it into GRASS? <div>
<br></div><div>Thanks,</div><div><br></div><div>Kirk<br><div><br></div><div>Here is the output of r.region for the raster with the wrong center, and the output of v.region for a vector with the correct center:</div><div><br>
</div><div><div><div>GRASS 6.4.1 (northcentralus_albersequalarea):~ > g.region -pc rast=mnwimifnfftgk7wt175v3_250m</div><div>projection: 99 (Albers Equal Area)</div><div>zone: 0</div><div>datum: nad83</div>
<div>ellipsoid: grs80</div><div>north: 2960848</div><div>south: 2087348</div><div>west: -122110</div><div>east: 1141890</div><div>nsres: 250</div><div>ewres: 250</div>
<div>rows: 3494</div><div>cols: 5056</div><div>cells: 17665664</div><div>center easting: 509890.000000</div><div>center northing: 2524098.000000</div></div></div><div><br></div><div><div>GRASS 6.4.1 (northcentralus_albersequalarea):~ > g.region -pc vect=nw212</div>
<div>projection: 99 (Albers Equal Area)</div><div>zone: 0</div><div>datum: nad83</div><div>ellipsoid: grs80</div><div>north: 1322833.8573</div><div>south: 647305.3646</div>
<div>west: 6150.4319</div><div>east: 1003361.9406</div><div>nsres: 250.01054504</div><div>ewres: 249.99035064</div><div>rows: 2702</div><div>cols: 3989</div>
<div>cells: 10778278</div><div>center easting: 504756.186250</div><div>center northing: 985069.610950</div></div></div>