Hi,<br>I have a GRASS location using Lambert Conformal Conic projection. <br><br>>g.region -p<br>projection: 99 (Lambert Conformal Conic)<br>zone: 0<br>datum: wgs84<br>ellipsoid: wgs84<br>north: 2000000<br>
south: -3135000<br>west: -2200000<br>east: 3352000<br>nsres: 1000<br>ewres: 1000<br>rows: 5135<br>cols: 5552<br>cells: 28509520<br><br>>cat PERMANENT/PROJ_INFO <br>name: Lambert Conformal Conic<br>
proj: lcc<br>datum: wgs84<br>ellps: wgs84<br>lat_1: 0<br>lat_2: 0<br>lat_0: 42.5<br>lon_0: 0<br>x_0: 0<br>y_0: 0<br>no_defs: defined <br><br>I get the following errors when I try to use v.proj or r.proj to reproject any vector or raster to or from this location. <br>
WARNING: Unable to initialise PROJ.4 with the following parameter list:<br> +proj=lcc +lat_1=0 +lat_2=0 +lat_0=42.5 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0<br> +no_defs +a=6378137 +rf=298.257223563 +towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000<br>
WARNING: The error message: conic lat_1 = -lat_2<br>ERROR: Unable to get projection key values of input map<br><br>I would appreciate any help resolving this issue. Thanks,<br><br>Jitu<br>