<b>Dear all,</b><br><br>I am using the command like-<br><br>v.to.rast --overwrite input=Temp_Aug_86@PERMANENT type=point output=Rast_Temp_Aug_86 column=Rain14<br><br>Rast_Temp_Aug_86@PERMANENT is created successfully.<br><br>
But when I want to delete this raster using command like-<br><br>g.remove rast=Rast_Temp_Aug_86@PERMANENT<br><br>Then I get an error like below-<br> <br><b>Removing raster <Rast_Temp_Aug_86@PERMANENT><br>
fcell: couldn't be removed</b><br> <br>I am also trying this by running " g.remove -f rast=Rast_Temp_Aug_86@PERMANENT " but same problem arises.<br><br>Please give me some solution to recover this problem.<br>
<br><b>Thanks & Regards,<br><br>Swapan</b><br>