<div dir="ltr">Dear all,<br><br>I am using ArcInfo Workstation and Grid in order to to
produce Gaussian functions of elevation from a DEM with minimum value at
800m, as follow:<br><br>elev_x800 = elev90 - 800<br>elev_x800sq = pow(elev_x800, 2)<br>elev_x800sqn = -1 * elev_x800sq<br>elev_x800sqnd = elev_x800sqn / 500000<br>elev_x800exp = exp(elev_x800sqnd)<br>elev_x800gaus = elev_x800exp * 0.000798<br>
elev_x800gi = (elev_x800gaus * -11330) + 10.044<br><br><br>I was wondering how to apply that in GRASS (because I want to move towards Open Software). Can you help me? <br><br>Cheers,<br><br><span></span>Dr. Gabriel Zorello Laporta<br>
Instituto Oscar Freire, Informática Médica, Faculdade de Medicina<br>Universidade de São Paulo<br>Avenida Doutor Arnaldo, 455 - 3° andar (corredor central)<br>Bairro Pacaembu, São Paulo/SP<br>CEP 01246-903<br>Tel (55) 11 3061-7386<span></span></div>