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<td align="left" valign="top"><span class="bodyCopy_black_lrg">Once you have downloaded Northern's Free Analysis Tool, you are only minutes away from having an overview of your storage devices - just follow these 5 easy steps! </span><ol><li><div class="bodyCopy_black_lrg">Run the executable</div></li><li><div class="bodyCopy_black_lrg">Choose where to store the report</div></li><li><div class="bodyCopy_black_lrg">Select the path to scan</div></li><li><div class="bodyCopy_black_lrg">Wait for the scan to finish</div></li><li><div class="bodyCopy_black_lrg">View the results</div></li></ol><p class="bodyCopy_black_lrg">Can you really manage your storage effectively without information?</p><p class="bodyCopy_black_lrg"><a href="http://cubesystem.co.uk/angel/track.php?campaignid=4615&listid=412&email=weblist@grass.itc.it&loc=www.northern.net/download/download.asp?product=1024" target="_blank" class="bodyCopy_black_lrg"><strong>›› Download now!</stro
ng></a></p><p class="bodyCopy_black_lrg">The Free Analysis Tool is a quick and easy way to get an overview of your current storage situation. The report covers the following four key areas:</p><ul><li><div class="bodyCopy_black_lrg"><strong>Available Space<br /></strong>Find out how much available space you have. Every year the amount of stored data grows by 60%, and only 15% of this is strategically significant</div></li><li><div class="bodyCopy_black_lrg"><strong>Media Files</strong><br />See the number of media files stored on your storage device. Many organizations find more than 30% of the files stored are non-business related or illegal.</div></li><li><div class="bodyCopy_black_lrg"><strong>Top Users<br /></strong>Find out who the top user is. Organizations often find that less than 5% of the users account for more than 50% of the data stored on the network.</div></li><li><div class="bodyCopy_black_lrg"><strong>Aging Files</strong><br />See how many percent of files st
ored are over 24 months old. Long backups might be OK but prolonged restore times cost companies billions every year.</div></li></ul><p class="bodyCopy_black_lrg"><a href="http://cubesystem.co.uk/angel/track.php?campaignid=4615&listid=412&email=weblist@grass.itc.it&loc=www.northern.net/download/download.asp?product=1024" target="_blank" class="bodyCopy_black_lrg"><strong>›› Download now!</strong></a></p><p class="bodyCopy_black_lrg"><img src="http://ps2.trunky.net/_uploads/_eSolutions/SNS_29_SEPT_PILLAR_BOTTOM.gif" alt="Logo Bottom" title="Logo Bottom" width="510" height="77" /></p></td>
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