[winGRASS] why can't find the data file with g.list

shawn SHIH shawn.shih at msa.hinet.net
Wed Mar 13 00:26:29 EST 2002

Dear All:

    (1) I just import a dxf file to grass, but I can't find that file. After check directorys of that mapset, There are no dlg and dlgatt directory created. but  v.in.dxf shows "CONVERSION OF *****.dxf TO DIG FILE:   100%". 
    (2)I have some database created with grass5.0 at linux platform. Then I move that database to wingrass. I can't find raster file in that location with d.rast. but I import some dxf data file to that mapset. the dlg and dlgatt directory and vect file created. but I still can't find the vect file with d.vect or g.list.

How can I find and display the data file within grass? 

shawn SHIH 

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