[winGRASS] RE: include winGRASS with Cygwin distribution - YES!!

Marco Lechner marco.lechner at urz.uni-heidelberg.de
Sun Oct 10 09:09:41 EDT 2004

Dear list, 

I thought of that before - including the grass-package in the
cygwin-installation. A few Linux-Distributions already include GRASS.

Because of the discussions of creating a new GIS-group in the
cygwin-Installation (see cygwin-apps list) I think it's the best point in
time to add GRASS to cygwin (and therefore make it easily accessible for all
those M$ Windows-Users) now.

Does anybody here know in which Installation-Groups the parts of GRASS are
organised in the "original" Linux-Distributions - I think it's the easiest
way to make it similar, if we want to add GRASS to the normal

Maybe we also can include the spearfish- and global-dataset as an optional

Marco Lechner
Department of Physical geography
Uni Freiburg
Marco.lechner at geographie.uni-freiburg.de

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