[GRASS-windows] switching to GRASS, 6.2.3 or GRASS 6.3.0?

Marco Pasetti marco.pasetti at alice.it
Sat Oct 4 05:14:51 EDT 2008

Hi Michael,

>> Ok. Could you please send me the content of your grass63.bat file? just 
>> copy
>> an paste it on a e-mail
> I will send this is a separate email as not to send it to the entire
> list. Thanks for having a look at it.

Ok. The grass63.bat file is correct. Maybe something goes wrong within the 
.grassrc6 file.
Please try to delete the .grssrc6 file in your %userprofile% folder;
open cmd (from start panel), type: del %userprofile%\.grassrc6
then delete the same file in C:\GRASS\msys\home\"YOUR_USERNAME"

Finally start grass and tell me what does happen.


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