Hi,<br>I am a new grass user and just wondering has anyone managed to get GRASS 6.4RC 3-2 running on a XP 64 bit machine.<br>I tried to install it and I got python.exe error (unable to find libexpat.dll). <br>When I clicked O.K I got error in command (execution g.proj.exe -p) and then GRASS crashes.<br>
Thanks,<br>Ibrahim<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>IBRAHIM N. MOHAMMED<br>Utah State University<br>Research Assistant<br>Civil & Environmental Engineering<br>Utah Water Research Laboratory<br>Utah State University<br>Logan, UT. 84322-4110<br>
Tel: (435) 797-3533<br>Email: <a href="mailto:Ibrahim.mohammed@aggiemail.usu.edu">Ibrahim.mohammed@aggiemail.usu.edu</a><br>