Hi:<br>1) how to write a bat to run the grass command in a commin line?<br>----------------------<br>@echo off<br>rem Set GRASS Installation Directory Variable<br>set GRASSDIR=F:\anzhuang\GRASS<br>set GISBASE=D:\GrassDataBase;<br>
set GISRC=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.grassrc6;<br>set LOCATION_NAME=spearfish60;<br>set MAPSET=PERMANENT<br><br>rem Set Path to utilities (libraries and bynaries) used by GRASS<br><br>set PATH=%GRASSDIR%\msys\bin;%PATH%<br>
set PATH=%GRASSDIR%\extrabin;%GRASSDIR%\extralib;%GRASSDIR%\extrabin;%PATH%<br>set PATH=%GRASSDIR%\tcl-tk\bin;%GRASSDIR%\sqlite\bin;%GRASSDIR%\gpsbabel;%PATH%<br>set PATH=%PATH%;%GRASSDIR%\bin;%GRASSDIR%\lib;%GRASSDIR%\scripts;%GRASSDIR%\etc;%GRASSDIR%\sqlite\lib;%GRASSDIR%\sqlite\bin;<br>
<br>rem Path to the proj files (notably the epsg projection list)<br>set GRASS_PROJSHARE=%GRASSDIR%\proj<br>----------------------<br>The above is the content of the file named gra.bat which tried to create, however it does not work ,and I show me the messges at:<a href="http://imagebin.org/86392">http://imagebin.org/86392</a><br>
It seems that the LOCATION_NAME is not available,but it is defined in the file , I wonder why?<br><br>2) Also I want to know if the gisrc file (.grassrc6) is work for just one user? I mean if more than one user use the grass , should I create a .grassrc6 for each user?<br>