[gvSIG-Educa] ... and the GEOTHNK International Scenario contest winners are...

Estefanía Aguilar Moreno eaguilar at uji.es
Wed Jun 3 03:45:32 PDT 2015

*apologies for cross-posting*

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Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the European project *GEOTHNK** (http://www.geothnk.eu ) we
are happy to announce *GEOTHNK International Scenario Contest* winners.

The quality of all scenarios has been exceptionally high which results to
useful and valuable education material for the students’ development of
geospatial skills!

Our designated Jury has just announced the results.

Here are the winners:

   -       *Christos Harharos*
   -      *Foteini Karatza*
   -      *Dimitiris Mamouras*
   -      *Eugenia-Victoria Marcu*
   -      *Nada Stojicevic*

The winners are awarded 5 scholarships for the GEOTHNK Summer School (
http://geothnk.ea.gr/en ) with all expenses covered.

We would like to thank you for participating in the GEOTHNK International
Scenario Contest.


We encourage you to discover more about the GEOTHNK International Scenario
Contest (http://goo.gl/WhfQzm), GEOTHNK community and learning materials (
http://portal.opendiscoveryspace.eu/community/geothink-community-400866 )  and
GEOTHNK project (http://www.geothnk.eu)


Estefania Aguilar Moreno
Association og Geographic Information Laboratories of Europe (AGILE)
Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT) www.init.uji.es
Geospatial Technologies Research Group www.geotec.uji.es
Espaitec 2, 5th floor
Office UB-1518
Universitat Jaume I, E-12006, Castellón de la Plana, Spain

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* GEOTHNK is a funded project by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the
European Union Pr. no 543451-LLP-1-2013-1-GR-KA3-KA3MP
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