[Ica-osgeo-labs] Map of ICA-OSGeo Labs

Manuel Haro / LabSolZac manuel.haro at zacatecas.gob.mx
Sat Apr 20 10:02:52 PDT 2013

Hello Rafael and everyone

Is an amazing idea, I will be ready at any time when you wants to works at Hangout and the next monday we can récord our Lab vídeo and share to you.

I am sure that between next tuesday or wednesday we will have ready the website first versión

With muy best regards

Ing. Manuel Haro  - Innovación Abierta
Lab. Nal. de Software Libre / COZCyT
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"Moreno, Rafael" <Rafael.Moreno at ucdenver.edu> escribió:

>Hi everyone,
>I think it is a great idea to have a Google + meeting to get to know each other better. 
>In Google + there is a limit of 10 people at the same time.
>I just signed in for meeting times and it is almost full.
>I know several people would love to participate but are not in the list yet. 
>I see 2 potential solutions to the concurrent space problem. Just for the purpose of introduce ourselves: 
>1. Have more than one Google + Hangout with different participants each time and record the sessions with www.screencast-o-matic.com. I volunteer to do the taping. Down side of this option is that someone has a slow connection or if there is a lot of traffic sound and images can be choppy. 
>2. Ask each interested participant to create a 2-3 minutes video introducing themselves and their labs. Many ways to create the videos. One of them is to use the free version of www.screencast-o-matic.com (limit of 15 minutes of recording). This web service records all activity occurring on the computer. Then we can upload videos to ICA-OSGeo Labs Network website.  
>What do you think?
>Rafael Moreno, Ph.D.
>Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
>University of Colorado Denver
>Office: North Classroom 3524, Auraria Campus
>Campus Box 172
>1200 Larimer Street NC 3524
>Denver, CO 173364
>Phone: 303-352-3762
>Fax 303-556-6197
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Marco Negretti
>Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 6:51 AM
>To: ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org
>Cc: ludovico.biagi at polimi.it
>Subject: Re: [Ica-osgeo-labs] Map of ICA-OSGeo Labs
>Il 19/04/2013 13:52, maria.brovelli at diiar-topo.polimi.it ha scritto:
>> Marco (Negretti) is doing that.
>> Cheers.
>> maria
>I prepared a doodle to fix the next meeting [1]: please fill the form with your availability.
>...sorry but find an hours good for all it's impossible...
>In attachment (is it possible to send attach in this mailing list?) you can found a spread sheet with all the OSGeo Labs with the current offset relative to UTC time: enjoy yourself to find a best time!
>[1] http://www.doodle.com/uyhkk99t9kgsr3p6
>Marco Negretti
>Politecnico di Milano
>email:  marco.negretti at polimi.it
>ica-osgeo-labs mailing list
>ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org
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