[Ica-osgeo-labs] Spatial and spatio-temporal modelling of meteorological and climatic variables using Open Source software (R + OSGeo)

Milan Kilibarda milan.kili11 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 28 05:31:59 PST 2014

Dear Colleagues,

 In the period 23-27 June 2014, we are organizing an International
conference and a series of workshops entitled:

"Spatial and spatio-temporal modelling of meteorological and climatic
variables using Open Source software (R + OSGeo)".

Location: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Civil Engineering Belgrade,

The workshops will consists of software tutorials including:

 - Edzer Pebesma: spacetime / gstat package tutorials (spatial and
spatio-temporal statistics with R)
- Milan Kilibarda: plotGoogleMaps / meteo package tutorials
- Tomislav Hengl: plotKML package tutorial (visualization of spatial and
spatio-temporal data from R to Google Earth)
- Benedikt Gräler: gstat package tutorial (choosing and fitting
spatio-temporal models for meteorological data)

After the workshops we will run a two-days conference will several keynote
speakers / leading researchers in the field:

- prof. dr. Edzer Pebesma, University of Münster, Germany: "Spatial and
temporal support of meteorological observations and predictions"

- dr. Raymond Sluiter, KNMI, the Netherlands: "An operational R-based
interpolation facility for climate and meteo data"

- dr. Gerard B.M. Heuvelink, Wageningen University: "Statistical modelling
of space-time variability"

- dr. Robert Hijmans, University of California, Davis: "New global climate
surfaces, and the trade-off between space and time"

 - Mojca Dolinar, Environmental Agency of Republic of Slovenia: "Production
of climate maps: operational
issues and challenges"

This conference/workshop aims at forming an international consortium to
support production of an open archive of meteorological images at high
spatial (1 km) and temporal (1 day) resolution (the WorldDailyMeteo
initiative). We look at implementing the state of the art spatio-temporal
geostatistics (with the focus on algorithms implemented in the Open Source
Software: R, GRASS GIS, SAGA GIS) to produce a public repository of
meteorological images as an update to the existing global climatic archives
e.g. WorldClim. We invite all international and national teams that work on
mapping climatic and meteorological variables to come to Belgrade and
present their work, participate in the discussion forums and consider
joining the WorldDailyMeteo initiative.

 A selection of presentations will be invited for a special issue of the
Spatial Statistics journal (working title: "Spatial and spatio-temporal
models for climatic and meteorological mapping").

General information on the conference can be found on the
DailyMeteo.org/2014 homepage at:



March 1st 2014 - abstract submission / registration deadline
May 1st 2014 - deadline early birds

We are looking forward to see you in Belgrade!

Milan Kilibarda

University of Belgrade,
Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics,
Address: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73  11000 Belgrade, Serbia,
Mail:  kili at grf.bg.ac.rs

tel:+381 11 3218516

Milan Kilibarda

University of Belgrade,
Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics,
Address: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73  11000 Belgrade, Serbia,
Mail:  kili at grf.bg.ac.rs

tel:+381 11 3218516
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