gdal status

Paul Spencer pspencer at
Tue Jul 18 12:25:04 EDT 2006


I thought a review of the current status of GDAL would be in order.   
In summary, GDAL is essentially ready for graduation with the  
exception of a number (22) of issues of code provenance.

I have a question about this part of the process.  If the project has  
gone through the process of the provenance review and identified  
suspicious code with reasonable vigor, is this sufficient to graduate  
the project (if they meet the other criteria), or should graduation  
be delayed over these (potentially minor but time consuming) issues?

My feeling is that due diligence (on the part of OSGeo) has been done  
at this point, which is the role of the IncCom.  In an ideal world, I  
would end up reporting on this every week or two, generating  
unnecessary churn and holding up an incubation spot for another  
potential project.  OTOH, I can see the argument against officially  
accepting a project that has not yet cleared up the known issues.

Perhaps we need one more step in the process, which is to graduate a  
project like this to 'provisional pending completion of the listed  
items' status so we can get it out of incubation?

The details:

Code Provenance:

There are 22 outstanding issues listed in the code provenance review.

Project Governance:

GDAL has established a governance model, a PMC and a set of  
documented processes for making decisions.  This appears to be  
actually followed as well :)

Developer Community:

The developer community appears to be functioning in a manner that is  
aligned with the "OSGeo Way", although I have not noticed a  
significant amount of activity that would indicate this one way or  
the other.  This is partly because there have been no contentious  
issues brought up that would test the system (since I have been  
actively watching the project).

Smoke Test and Automated Builds:

I have not asked Frank about this, but I don't think there is  
anything quite this formal, although there are tests that can be  
manually run prior to a new release.

Code Commiters Agreement:

not applicable.



|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc       |

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