[Incubator] Incubation Progress Page

Daniel Brookshier dbrookshier at collab.net
Wed Mar 15 13:06:35 EST 2006

There is a tool called cvs2svn. I believe you can set it to import   
the complete history. What I usually recommend is just to version  
your releases, but that's just to ease the transition and capture the  
core changes. Sort of depends on how old the project is and if it  
went through massive refactoring making older releases obsolete. Of  
course capturing the complete history is indeed optimal for most people.

To add to your list that are supported by Collabnet

Managed service support - Dedicated staff for upgrades, maintenance,  
disaster reocovery
Guarenteed uptime
Web statistics - we use Wusage
Community Manager (that's me) - Site management, mentoring, go to guy  
for help
Web Cache (We use Squid Cache)
WebDAV (front end for Subversion to allow mounting a repository -  
best for maintaining web space - not code)
Daily backups
Offsite backups (we use IronMountain I think)

Daniel Brookshier
Community Manager
Office: 972-422-5261
Cell: 214-207-6614

On Mar 15, 2006, at 8:10 AM, Mark Lucas wrote:

> Perhaps we should consolidation efforts on new areas where we can  
> focus our already taxed resources vs. trying to move something that  
> is already functioning well.  I suspect that most of the projects  
> are similar in their focus and shortcomings, but I'll focus on  
> ossim in case I'm wrong.
> What works as it is:
> mailing lists:
> wiki - though I'd like to move to plone - I wouldn't mind moving  
> towards a standardized look and feel
> doxygen
> cvs - though I'd like to move to svn if I can keep all of the history
> bugzilla
> what needs more work:
> user support
> quick start examples for developers and users
> more bandwidth more storage for data sets and tutorials
> more effective cross collaboration with other projects
> automated builds
> automated unit testing, regression testing
> more formalized freeze, testing and release process
> marketing
> I've identified some external resources for high bandwidth,  
> storage, and computational power that have offered to host if we  
> need the resources.  I think we should focus on expanding with an  
> external plone site, storage, bandwidth, and processing resources  
> (will be good for the data consolidation efforts) and process where  
> we can use help.  As we have done with the wiki, we should use  
> collabnet as a portal where the internal resources are not  
> available or there is no compelling reason to change.
> Mark
> On Mar 14, 2006, at 2:16 PM, Steve Lime wrote:
>> I think it will require further discussion. I definitely want to
>> see resources transfered to the foundation, but wasting
>> the effort that has been spent on something like a project
>> website is not an option.
>> Steve
>>>>> warmerdam at pobox.com 03/14/06 12:38 PM >>>
>> Steve Lime wrote:
>>> What are the possilities for offering a broader set of hosted
>>> capabilities? For example, we just moved to a plone-based site
>>> and want to continue to use that technology. Can the foundation
>>> infrastructure support a range of best of breed technologies?
>> Steve,
>> For the most part, I think projects that want to stick with their
>> own technologies would be expected to maintain them for themselves.
>> It might be reasonable for the foundation to provide a hosting
>> box outside Collabnet if that is needed.
>> This is a matter open to further discussion though.
>> Best regards,
>> -- 
>> --------------------------------------- 
>> +--------------------------------------
>> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,  
>> warmerdam at pobox.com
>> light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
>> and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGF, http:// 
>> osgeo.org
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