[Incubator] java-collab svn repo

Jeroen Ticheler Jeroen.Ticheler at geocat.net
Wed Jul 8 04:21:56 EDT 2009

Hi Jody,
Great to hear you are getting a GeoTools - deegree collaboration  
going! For me setting up a SVN for that under java-collab seems indeed  
a good first step. Maybe it can be organized in such a way that it  
will be easy to also add other cross project collaborations in the  
I suggest you put a ticket for this to the SAC to get the SVN started.
My 2 cents.

On Jul 8, 2009, at 10:04 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:

> Evening List:
> We have a nice example of OSGeo working out for all parties involved;
> as part of a java-collab collaboration GeoTools and Deegree are
> looking into setting up a shared geometry library.
> Can we ask for an svn repository? http://svn.osgeo.org/java-collab/
> would be appropriate (and match the existing email list). It could be
> we need to ask to be an OSGeo Lab first? I am not sure ...
> Jody
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