[Incubator] Re: idea: petition board for a change of scope

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 19:37:36 EDT 2011

> I think I've mentioned it earlier, but can can't find it on this thread. As
> has been mentioned on this thread, it would be desirable to expand the scope
> of the incubation committee, but we have been short of volunteers, which I
> suggest is probably due to weak business drivers for involvement.

Agreed; and even for the projects already in incubation there is on business
driver to finish.

Implicit in the change of scope is that it would be an increased mandate for
a different team of folk - namely project officers. As for the expected work
load for project officers it would be set by their availability as
volunteers. Even if several good ideas come in; it would be up in the
interest and volunteer time of the project officers to make the ideas

> I think that part of the solution can be provided by the OSGeo-Live
> project. With OSGeo-Live:
> 1. We have a 6 month periodic review of all projects.
> 2. We have a set of criteria for partaking in OSGeo-Live, which could be
> adjusted to also check incubation criteria.
> 3. We have commitment from people from 50 odd projects, primarily because
> OSGeo-Live provides strong business value, by providing a marketing channel.

The commitment is actually really weak Cameron; the live dvd is not on the
radar or schedule of the two project steering committtees I am on. And
basically gets zero interest at a business level leaving it only in the
hands of volunteers. Perhaps if you increased the documentation to list
commercial providers and support information?
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