[Incubator] Rasdaman Incubation Status [was: FW: [rasdaman-users] Updates toward OSGeo graduation] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Bruce Bannerman B.Bannerman at bom.gov.au
Sun Feb 10 15:19:35 PST 2013


I think that the remaining issues are more related to community process development.

We still haven't made the transition to a truly open community:

 *   Most activity and decision making still appears to be centered around Jakobs Uni / Rasdaman.com. I haven't seen much discussion on the lists around a PSC, apart from my and Alan Beccati's comments.
 *   I do know from discussions with Peter Baumann that there are a number of users and potentially developers within Europe, particularly Germany who are hesitant to discuss issues openly in English, but do converse amongst themselves. So we have a cultural / language issue here as well, with potentially hidden processes that the rest of the community does not see.
 *   Though there is still quite a lot of developer contribution coming from other areas as well.
 *   Rasdaman have recently opened up access to their wiki hosted at Jakobs Uni after a request for access by myself to the mailing list.
 *   I haven't raised it yet with the community, though I do wonder how much of a deterrent having the wiki, trac etc hosted at Jakobs is to more open development of the Rasdaman Community. It does leave the perception of being a research oriented project.
 *   Perhaps this infrastructure would be better hosted within the OSGeo umbrella, however this would probably be a big disruption to the community at this stage of their development. Thoughts?

So in answer to your question, I think that we will need some time for processes and the community to come together into a more cohesive and open environment.


On 11/02/13 9:54 AM, "Jody Garnett" <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:

 Thanks for the status update Bruce - moving to a continuous build is a huge load off the developers.
Is there anything we can do to help Rasdaman along? Or is it just case of finding the time ...
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