[Incubator] incubation motions (before next board meeting)

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue May 6 06:46:44 PDT 2014

We have couple email threads that require the attention of incubation
1) istSOS is a possible new project, we need the motion seconded and
approved in time for the next board meeting
2) we have two proposals around the status template
- approve a revised copy that no longer emphasises OSGeo infrastructure
hosting (i.e. makes it clearly optional on request)
- kill it completely (since it has been replaced by the checklist)

We have moved from IRC meetings, to email motions in order to be less of a
burden on participants. Please catch up on the above threads and respond
appropriately to keep this committee functioning.
Jody Garnett
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