[Incubator] Recommend Graduation of Rasdaman from OSGeo Incubation

Bruce Bannerman bruce.bannerman.osgeo at gmail.com
Sun Oct 19 17:47:30 PDT 2014


Thanks for your comments and for taking the time to review the wealth of
material available.

@Incubation Committee

Is there anything else that you'd like addressed?


Could you please arrange for a project member to address Cameron's comments
in the first instance? This is in line with my email of the 21st May [1].

If required, I'll then add specific comments / observations as the project


[1] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/incubator/2014-May/002423.html

On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 8:30 AM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>

>  Hi Peter and Bruce,
> I've reviewed the incubation documentation provided, and provided a few
> spot reviews of the referenced documentation.
> Overall, I think the documentation is in good shape, but missing
> explanations, particularly around licenses and testing.
> Below are a few things that I'd like to see looked into before final sign
> off:
> Looking at: http://rasdaman.org/wiki/OSGeoIncubationChecklist which
> provides the summary about how the project is ready to complete graduation.
> * For each statement that you are addressing, please add a brief sentence
> explaining HOW you are addressing the statement, possibly also with an
> For instance, currently for: "Open communication channels", you have "see
> MailingLists".
> In reviewing, I can see that a mailing list has been set up. In looking at
> the list, I see users are asked questions on the user list and there are
> answers. I can see that auto-patch messages are being pumped into the
> developers list. In my quick scan, I can't see discussions between
> developers about a new feature, and discussions about a design idea. So I'd
> suggest describing how communication is happening. Maybe:
> "See MailingLists <URL>. User questions are typically addressed on the
> user email list. Development is currently mostly happening at Jacobs
> University, and discussions about development typically happen in person,
> and the results of such conversations are summarised onto the developer
> email list (or ...)."
> * For "Open Source License": I'd be hoping to see a statement about the
> dual license, including a comment about the enterprise license. I'm ok with
> the dual license concept which I think fits with OSGeo principles.
> Further, from the material and links provided, it seems plausible that the
> GPL license terms are broken by LGPL and enterprise licensed products being
> distributed.
> I feel there needs to be an explanation of the enterprise license, and
> then about how LGPL products and enterprise products don't need to be GPL
> (because they don't link in any GPL libraries?).
> * "*Long term viability*":
> Sentence needed here discussing roughly how many contributors you have,
> (as well as existing reference to patchmanager).
> * *Project documentation is available under an open license, as
> documented here: Legal*:
> The referenced "Legal" link doesn't talk about Documentation. Please
> reference correct documentation license link.
> * *http://rasdaman.org/wiki/Legal <http://rasdaman.org/wiki/Legal>* :
> Remove references to "... blah-blah ..."
> * " *Which includes execution of the testing process before releasing a
> stable release: <>"*
> :
>  Link requires user log in. A sentence explaining testing will help here.
> * "*All patches submitted to the repository undergo review before being
> applied to the code base: http://www.rasdaman.org/patchmanager
> <http://www.rasdaman.org/patchmanager>*" :
> This doesn't confirm that patches are reviewed (by a person), only that
> you use patchmanager.
> * "*Systemtests are to be run by developers before submitting patches:
> http://www.rasdaman.org/wiki/CodeGuide
> <http://www.rasdaman.org/wiki/CodeGuide>*" :
> This code guide is good, but on my first pass, I can't see any reference
> to testing processes. How do you verify that all code is tested? Ideally
> reference continual integration or similar.
> * Link to   *http://rasdaman.org/browser/systemtest
> <http://rasdaman.org/browser/systemtest>*  is broken. I'm looking for
> evidence of testing processes, including unit testing, continuous
> integration, and a system testing plan which is executed.
> On 16/10/2014 4:25 pm, Bruce Bannerman wrote:
> Project:                    Rasdaman
>  Project Contact:       Peter Baumann
> Project Mentor:        Bruce Bannerman
> Recommendation:   Rasdaman to Graduate from OSGeo Incubation
> Incubation Checklist:  http://rasdaman.org/wiki/OSGeoIncubationChecklist
>  Comments:
> I have been monitoring and participating in the Rasdaman Community
> developer and user email lists for over four years. I plan to continue to
> participate within the community.
> It has been pleasing to see how the community has evolved over this time
> to develop effective, open and robust processes.
> I recommend to other FOSS4G communities to review what has been done, as
> you may well find that Rasdaman offers a compelling solution for the
> management of multi-dimensional array or gridded data that your project may
> be able to capitalise on.
> A summary of community activity may be found at:
> https://www.openhub.net/p/rasdaman
>  Key project members are active within both OSGeo and the OGC.
> Within the OGC they have successfully guided a range of standards to
> support mutltidimensional array (gridded) data which have culminated
> (currently) in Web Coverage Service version 2.0 and a suite of extensions,
> see: http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wcs
> The project's principal, Professor Peter Baumann was also recently awarded
> OGC's prestigious Kenneth D Gardels award for his contributions to OGC.
> After having participated within the community for four years and having
> reviewed their OSGeo Project Graduation Checklist, I believe that Rasdaman
> Community have fulfilled the requirements of OSGeo Incubation and are
> eligible to graduate as an OSGeo Project.
>  The only reservation that I have is over the dual licensing model that is
> used by the sponsoring company, Rasdaman GmbH. See:
> http://www.rasdaman.com/Product/commercial+free.php
> There are two versions: Community (GPL and LGPL) and Enterprise (free from
> GPL constraints).
> The main difference between the two versions is summarised at:
> http://www.rasdaman.org/wiki/Features
> This dual licensing may create a problem for the Rasdaman Community in the
> future should Rasdaman GmbH decide to sell its stake in the Rasdaman
> Enterprise version of the software. We have already seen a similar
> situation arise after the sale of MySQL which was similarly licensed.
> However as the community edition of the software is released under open
> source licenses, I expect that the main impact would be to the continuity
> of the Rasdaman Community in its current form. In the event of a sale, we
> may see the software forked, as happened with MySQL.
>  For consideration and vote.
>  Bruce
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> Incubator mailing listIncubator at lists.osgeo.orghttp://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/incubator
> --
> Cameron Shorter,
> Software and Data Solutions Manager
> LISAsoft
> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
> P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099
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