[Incubator] gvSIG project graduation (Update)

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 17:28:24 PDT 2015

Checking back in, sorry I have been away for a bit (our geotools and
geoserver builds were down for a couple weeks making me sad).

> We finally have copied the contests directly in the documentation section
> (better than a placeholder):
> http://docs.gvsig.org/plone/projects/gvsig-desktop/docs/about-technical-decisions/

Thank you that is much easier to find (and I enjoyed the passion of the

I would like to ask you  when it's planned to decide it. I don't know the
> procedure of OSGeo Incubation Committee from this point.

I see your mentor has already taken action, thank you keeping communication
going Alvaro.

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