[Incubator] Info on the Old OSGeo Labs

Landon Blake sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 14:03:52 PST 2016

I think I'm a little confused. I'm not proposing that "OSGeo Technology" is
a label that just anyone can slap on their open source code. That wasn't
the purpose of the old OSGeo labs either.

Here is what is currently on our wiki:


OSGeo Labs is an umbrella for open source geospatial software projects that
would like to become OSGeo projects in the future, but that aren't ready
for incubation quite yet. It is appropriate to submit your new or
experimental project as an OSGeo labs project.

The volunteers that work as part of OSGeo Labs have the goal of helping
OSGeo Labs Projects qualify for incubation. To reach this goal, OSGeo Labs
volunteers help OSGeo Labs Projects with the following tasks:

   - Project marketing.
   - Development of user and programmer communities.
   - Establishment of programs and policies for project documentation,
   copyright assignment, and licensing.
   - Establishment of programs and policies for software development. This
   includes version tracking, bug tracking, and feature request tracking,
   creation of a development road map, and organization of code sprints/events.
   - Establishment of project governance programs and policies.
   - Collaboration on technical standars, data formats, and code sharing
   with other open source geospatial software projects.
   - Utilization of software development infrastructure like mailing lists,
   bug trackers, version control software/hosting, and web hosting.

OSGeo Labs Project Selection Criteria

Projects should only submit themselves for inclusion in OSGeo Labs if they
follow the OSGeo Incubation principles.

   1. The code is under an OSI approved license (data & doc projects need
   to specify their choice for a type of license).
   2. The project is willing to keep code clear of encumbrances
   3. The project is "geospatial", or directly supports geospatial
   4. The project hopes to become a graduated OSGeo project.

Has any of that changed? I thought we were just changing a name because of
the conflict with the education committee initiative.


On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 5:27 AM, Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at mapgears.com>

> I kind of share Cameron's opinion. I can live with the OSGeo Technology
> name even if it can be confusing as Cameron pointed out, but it is the
> following proposed text that bothers me:
> """
> All projects here meet our goals as an organization - they are open
>     source (no really we checked) and are inclusive and welcoming to new
>     contributors.
> """
> There is no way we can confirm that those projects meet our goal as an
> organization until we've vetted them somehow. And since we do not have any
> entry test for those projects, I would tend to go with a warning instead,
> such as:
> """
> The technology projects are listed here by their own developers and have
> not gone through incubation or any other OSGeo review process. For this
> reason we cannot take responsibility for the accuracy, reliability or
> completeness of the provided information.
> """
> My 0.02$
> Daniel
> On 2016-03-04 2:57 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Hi Jody,
>> I agree with your suggestion that "Old OSGeo Labs" need not have an aim
>> of entering OSGeo incubation.
>> However, I object to any project becoming associated with OSGeo without
>> it being obvious about the level of quality control the project has gone
>> through.
>> As suggested below, I could knock together 100 lines of uncommented,
>> non-working code, give it an open source license, and then add a "OSGeo
>> Technology" logo to the home page. And most average punters wouldn't
>> know the difference between term "OSGeo Project" and "OSGeo Technology".
>> This would result in diminishing the current association between OSGeo
>> applications and quality, which would be a bad thing.
>> I feel "OSGeo Labs", "OSGeo Community Builder Projects", or shortened to
>> "OSGeo Builder Projects" are less likely to be confused with "OSGeo
>> Incubated" projects.
>> Warm regards, Cameron
>> On 4/03/2016 2:13 am, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>> +1, I think these changes make a lot of sense and as part of an OSGeo
>>> Technology project this feels very inclusive.
>>> -Steve W
>>> On 3/3/2016 9:46 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:
>>>> I would like to change the tone of the page a bit, since it "assumes"
>>>> incubation ..
>>>>     /OSGeo Labs is an umbrella for open source geospatial software
>>>>     projects that would like to become OSGeo projects in the future, but
>>>>     that aren't ready for incubation quite yet. It is appropriate to
>>>>     submit your new or experimental project as an OSGeo labs project./
>>>>     /
>>>>     /
>>>>     /The volunteers that work as part of OSGeo Labs have the goal of
>>>>     helping OSGeo Labs Projects qualify for incubation. To reach this
>>>>     goal, OSGeo Labs volunteers help OSGeo Labs Projects with the
>>>>     following tasks:
>>>>     /
>>>> Would become:
>>>>     /Welcome to OSGeo Technology. The projects listed here are part of
>>>>     the Open Source Geospatial Foundation and range from new
>>>>     experimental projects to established pillars of our open source
>>>>     ecosystem./
>>>>     /
>>>>     /
>>>>     /All projects here meet our goals as an organization - they are open
>>>>     source (no really we checked) and are inclusive and welcoming to new
>>>>     contributors./
>>>>     /
>>>>     /
>>>>     /Projects that go on to establish excellence in community building,
>>>>     documentation, and governance can enter our "incubation" program. /
>>>> I would also lose the "status" conditions seed/seedling/sapling/adult
>>>> and keep OSGeo Technology focused on the basics (open source &
>>>> inclusive). The status becomes having the "OSGeo Technology" badge nice
>>>> and simple.
>>>> Thinking this through a bit more we have one clear reason for projects
>>>> to go through with incubation - being recognized by the board and having
>>>> an OSGeo Officer listed directly for the project, while OSGeo Technology
>>>> projects "share" an officer (as part of "incubation committee").
>>>> --
>>>> Jody Garnett
>>>> On 11 February 2016 at 11:04, Landon Blake <
>>>> sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>     There is some good information on what we were trying to achieve
>>>>     with the old OSGeo Labs on the wiki:
>>>>     https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Labs
>>>>     I think most of that information on the wiki still applies. This
>>>>     includes the purpose of labs, how projects get started in labs, what
>>>>     labs is trying to accomplish, and the criteria to determine if your
>>>>     project is a good fit for labs.
>>>>     Does anyone have major heartburn with what is laid out on that wiki
>>>>     page? (I'll rename the wiki page as soon as we get a new name for
>>>> labs.)
>>>>     Landon
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> --
> Daniel Morissette
> http://www.mapgears.com/
> T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
> http://evouala.com/ - Location Intelligence Made Easy
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