[Incubator] Oskari Incubation Application

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at metaspatial.net
Wed Mar 15 12:01:39 PDT 2017


somehow this has slipped our attention. Oskari has filled out the
incubation application form here:


They also submitted a ticket:


We never seem to have followed up?! They basically already went through
the hard stuff (find all contributors, get license texts sorted out,
CLAs, decision taking, voting, etc.) and are waiting for us to attend to
the process.

They still have an interesting questions regarding communication which I
suggest should be discussed on this list because it is of common
interest. Specifically: Mailing lists.

To me it appear that this may be becoming a larger issue anyway and the
Incubator is a good place to talk about this. Lately I am hearing more
and more comments like "Ugh, mailing lists are so 90s" and similar when
giving workshops or talking about how to get involved with an Open
Source project in general. Mailing lists are often seen as this "old
Unix and hacker stuff". Not relevant anymore.


Best regards,

Spatially enabling your business.

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