[Incubator] Bezitopo and PerfectTIN

Pierre Abbat phma at bezitopo.org
Fri Jan 31 11:21:34 PST 2020

On Friday, 31 January 2020 13.56.28 EST Jody Garnett wrote:
> Sorry for the typos; I am bad a phone keyboard.
> On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 1:27 PM Pierre Abbat <phma at bezitopo.org> wrote:
> When the pages are published you can share them with people on the
> discussion list.

As far as I can tell they are published, and I can even find Bezitopo on a 
browser that has not logged into OSGeo. I haven't found PerfectTIN except in 
the whole list; "point cloud" doesn't appear to be a search term in "Choose a 

> For me every website is different.

I've written a site where one stays logged in for four hours, but it doesn't 
have a "Remember Me" checkbox.

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.icu'u la ma'atman.

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