[Indonesia] FOSS GIS follow up sharing and training

Frans Thamura frans at meruvian.org
Wed Nov 14 18:45:09 EST 2007

On 11/14/07, Wardiyono <wynerst at indo.net.id> wrote:
> Arnulf,
> Thanks for quick response.
> I'll try your sugestions later this week.
> For Frans,
> Hendra Aquan (Our friendly Green Monster), is documenting the steps that
> we do. He is using Ubuntu instead the xubutu. It much less the same. I
> guess he would not mind to share his notes.

i just think to make this content become opencourseware and i try to
ask to ministery of education to distributed across universitiies

my jeni.diknas.go.id is one of the model, we have 70 univ and increasing.

so we can have millions gis guy in any universities


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