[Java-collab] [Fwd: [JPP-Devel] 2nd test on SLD import/export OpenJUMP, Kosmo, uDig]

Stefan Steiniger sstein at geo.uzh.ch
Tue May 20 00:10:05 EDT 2008

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [JPP-Devel]  2nd test on SLD import/export OpenJUMP, Kosmo, uDig
Datum: Sun, 18 May 2008 12:26:12 +0200 (CEST)
Von: Giuseppe Aruta <giuseppe_aruta at yahoo.it>
Antwort an: OpenJump develop and use 
<jump-pilot-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>
An: OpenJump develop and use <jump-pilot-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>

I did a test on Andreas' job about import/export SLD.
Hi all

I tested OpenJUMP, Kosmo and uDig on saving/opening
SLD files between each other (Kosmo only save to SLD).
This is the second test to verify Andreas's work

I used the same file (Italian_region.shp) for the 3
softwares. For each I defined the following features
on the style:

-Fill by range
-Fill by attribute
-Fill type
-Line color
-Line type
-Line width
-Text font
-Text color
-Text Dimension
-Text position

And save different SLD files

These are the resaults:

a) OpenJUMP can easly open Kosmo SLD. It imports
everything except fill type and halo.
Sometimes it cannot import the correct position of the

b) OpenJUMP opens uDig SLD but it doesn't import the
correct fill colour (depends to syntax of SLD, see
later). OK for text, text color, font and  and font

c) uDig import correctly everything from Kosmo SLD,
included features that uDig still doesn't have, like
fill and line type and halo.

d) uDig doesn't import OpenJUMP SLD.
When I load in uDig a SLD file from OpenJUMP, the
screen turns to white
(I think this depends to different syntax of SLD
files (open SLD with a text edirtor to see it)

e) Kosmo has no SLD import, right now

You can see a better deatil on a EXCEL file attached
to this mail. I also attached the shapefile I used for
the test and the SLD files. (in TEST_ON_SLD.ZI(P))



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