[Java-collab] geometry UOM (ie JSR-275)

Andrei Ionita ionita at lat-lon.de
Wed Aug 12 07:16:18 EDT 2009

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Hello everyone,

After reading your comments on the first batch of classes in osgeom,
I tried out the JSR-275 package (version 0.9.1) and in a sense evaluated
its use in the geometry package as well as in the other parts of deegree3.

I found it fitting with the geometry API in most of the places. The
points were I got stuck were:

1) There are use-cases where a Geometry has neither a CRS reference nor
explicit units of measured defined. Still, this can be used in various
operations. At the point where one does a e.g. #getBuffer(Measure)
with the geometry, it would be good to have a Unit that is undecided at
this point(Measure is created by providing a value and a unit). I tried
examples with a null Unit and by providing only a string value that had
no unit at the end (e.g. Measure.valueOf("3.1415") ). I also noticed the
ONE unit but definitely think it does not identify with what is needed here.

2) In GML3.1.1 the unitOfMeasure has an attribute "uom" that is defined
as a OGC URI (e.g. urn:ogc:def:uom:OGC:1.0:degree). Does the JSR support
these URNs in any way? If not, would a wrapper be an option? I can think
of a use case where it would be helpful to have the original name/URI
that was used to reference a unit.


- --
Andrei Ionita

l a t / l o n  GmbH
Aennchenstrasse 19               53177 Bonn, Germany
phone ++49 +228 18496-0          fax ++49 +228 18496-29
http://www.lat-lon.de            http://www.deegree.org

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