[Java-collab] LIDAR Data

Landon Blake sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 14:58:00 PST 2012

Java Code Slingers:

My company is starting to work with more and more LIDAR data. I've
tinkered with libLAS and LASTools, but both are written in C and there
are some licensing restrictions on some parts of LASTools.

A Google search for "Java LIDAR Library" pulled up some source code I
though was from gvSIG.

Does gvSIG have the ability to read/write LAS files? If so, where
might I find the latest code and contribute to the development of the
library? (Hopefully someone from gvSIG is on this mailing list.)

Is there interest in working together on a low-level Java library for
LIDAR data? Is this something we could do as part of GeoTools?

I'd like to not reinvent the wheel, and I know I'm going to need LIDAR
tools for OpenJUMP. I'm hoping this is a change to work together.

Perhaps there is already a great open source Java library for LIDAR
that I don't know about. :]

Let me know what is out there, and what the level of interest is on a
jointly developed LIDAR library and tool framework.


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