Hello,<br><br>My name is Erwan Bocher. I'm researcher in geomatic, manager of the OrbisGIS project witch contains : GDMS (Generic Datasource Management System), GRAP (GeoRaster Processing), <br>H2 spatial and a GUI Front-end.<br>
I'm interested to talk and debate about : data model, complex and large processing, projection.<br><br>Currently we are working with Suisse guys (Olivier Ertz team) about styling and symbology model for thematic maping, OGC compliant (SLD- Thematic). Olivier will subscribe to this list.<br>
<br>R1.<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Chercheur<br>Docteur en géographie,<br>spécialité géomatique<br>École Centrale de Nantes<br>Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la ville<br><a href="http://www.irstv.cnrs.fr/">http://www.irstv.cnrs.fr/</a><br>
<a href="http://geosysin.iict.ch/irstv-trac/wiki">http://geosysin.iict.ch/irstv-trac/wiki</a><br><a href="http://r1.bocher.free.fr">http://r1.bocher.free.fr</a><br><a href="http://www.projet-sigle.org">http://www.projet-sigle.org</a>