[Lexicon] [OSGeo-Standards] GeoLexicon (OSGeo Glossary) pilot kicking off

Ankita Tripathi ankitatripathi.2312 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 06:25:54 PDT 2020

Hi OSGeo Folks,
I'm Ankita and have offered to help with the *GeoLexicon project* as a
'Tech Writer and Coordinator'.
I'm not sure if you saw this email, but am wondering if you would like to
join us for the kickoff meeting?

You can vote for your preferred time slot here:
https://doodle.com/poll/6uwxyngtse4rzxsk (Week of 23-29 August)

P.S. We are sure to bring amazing Glossary deliverables onboard this time
for all the efforts we'll put in wrt OSGeo projects!
So, do join us.

Best Regards,

Ankita Tripathi

Tech Writer| Content Strategist

LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/writer-tripathi/>
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/writer-tripathi/>| Twitter
<https://twitter.com/ankita_2312> | Schedule a call

On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 2:36 AM Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>

> PS, we plan to have a kickoff meeting for the lexicon project in the week
> of the 24 August. Please vote for your proposed timeslot at:
> https://github.com/thegooddocsproject/thegooddocsproject.github.io/issues/33
> On Wed, 19 Aug 2020 at 07:04, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> +lexicon at lists.osgeo.org <lexicon at lists.osgeo.org>
>> Carl,
>> I'll answer your question in the generic sense. "How does any community
>> decide what is a defined term or not?"
>> I think there are two types of terms here:
>> 1. Terms we have decided to inherit from another official glossary.
>> 2. Terms we define within our community.
>> I'd suggest that each community should adopt a process for defining and
>> managing terms. In most cases, this process would be based on a guiding
>> template which we are yet to write. However, communities are welcome to
>> customize their own process if they wish.
>> On Tue, 18 Aug 2020 at 00:40, Carl Reed <carl.n.reed at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Nice idea!
>>> However, just to follow up on what Rob said. How does one know if an OGC
>>> standard is defining a term or not? There is a terms and definitions
>>> section. According to recent OAB guidance, these should be normative T&Ds
>>> for that particular standard. That is all well and good but - unfortunately
>>> - terms do get defined in the body of the standard including in informative
>>> clauses. I am not sure how any app could identify these "dangling" terms.
>>> Cheers
>>> Carl
>>> On Sun, Aug 16, 2020 at 9:22 PM Rob Atkinson <ratkinson at ogc.org> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Cameron
>>>> Scott - I think we need to spend some time mapping out how "glossaries"
>>>> interact with specifications - and make sure we start off with linking
>>>> specification writing processes into terminology management - both as a
>>>> consumer and producer.
>>>> for the broader community, OGC is looking to leverage OAS (Swagger)
>>>> self-documentation capabilities - but at this stage we dont have a specific
>>>> project looking at how to link terminology and API and specification
>>>> processes together optimally, and if there are folk out there who feel
>>>> willing able and/or expert enough to comment on this any input would
>>>> be appreciated, and IMHO a best practice should be a key output of this
>>>> documentation project
>>>> *Rob AtkinsonSenior Research Engineer | Open Geospatial Consortium
>>>> (OGC)*
>>>> Mobile: 61-419-202-973
>>>> ratkinson at ogc.org <JFath at ogc.org> | ogc.org
>>>> *Sign up for OGC News*
>>>> <https://ogc.us4.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=704e02f81107a6caab1568067&id=4e4528fd9d>
>>>> <https://www.ogc.org/webinars>
>>>> On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 12:14 PM Cameron Shorter <
>>>> cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hey Scott,
>>>>> I'm not sure if you've been CCed on any of the developments around the
>>>>> GeoLexicon project that we are kicking off?
>>>>> As you can see from the participants in the manifesto linked in the
>>>>> thread below, Rob, Reese and Ron are already involved.
>>>>> Beyond their contributions, I think the OGC could really help by
>>>>> lending your name to the project, and inviting OGC member organisations to
>>>>> stand up their own glossaries as part of the pilot.
>>>>> This could potentially start with a blog post that one of our tech
>>>>> writers (CCed) could pull together, based on our project manifesto.
>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>> On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 at 07:11, Cameron Shorter <
>>>>> cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi OSGeo folks,
>>>>>> A bunch of communities are coming together to address cross-domain
>>>>>> management of glossaries in a pilot running August - December 2020. In
>>>>>> particular, we will be building an OSGeo Glossary, as well as custom
>>>>>> glossaries for any OSGeo project that wants one and is prepared to help
>>>>>> select and define your term list.
>>>>>> Project manifesto is at:
>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fjrl34ErnYammel9WmvXJ3rMWFANjoSiiGyyNSYOXUg/
>>>>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fjrl34ErnYammel9WmvXJ3rMWFANjoSiiGyyNSYOXUg/edit#>
>>>>>> I'd like to introduce you to Ankita, Alyssa, and Naini who are tech
>>>>>> writers who've volunteered to define and document our processes and
>>>>>> glossaries. You'll likely be hearing from them over the next month or two.
>>>>>> Primary communication will be on this email list:
>>>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/lexicon
>>>>>> (Check your spam for your confirmation email when subscribing - gmail
>>>>>> seems to have picked out "lexicon" as a problem word.) We will likely set
>>>>>> up a slack channel as well.
>>>>>> If you'd like to join our kickoff meeting, please vote for your
>>>>>> preferred timeslot at:
>>>>>> https://doodle.com/poll/6uwxyngtse4rzxsk (Week of 23-29 August). (We
>>>>>> might need two timeslots)
>>>>>> Communities involved:
>>>>>> * Tech writing
>>>>>> * Data modelling
>>>>>> * OSGeo
>>>>>> * OGC
>>>>>> * ISO
>>>>>> Hope you'll join us,
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Cameron Shorter
>>>>>> Technical Writer, Google
>>>>> --
>>>>> Cameron Shorter
>>>>> Technical Writer, Google
>>>> <https://www.ogc.org/webinars>
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Standards mailing list
>>>> Standards at lists.osgeo.org
>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/standards
>>> --
>>> Carl Reed, PhD
>>> Carl Reed and Associates
>>> Mobile: 970-402-0284
>>> “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be
>>> limited without being lost.”
>>> "I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in
>>> philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend"
>>> — Thomas Jefferson, U.S. Founding Father
>> --
>> Cameron Shorter
>> Technical Writer, Google
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> Technical Writer, Google
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