[Lexicon] Actions coming out of kickoff meeting

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 14:09:22 PDT 2020

Hi folks,
I've attempted to capture what I think people have volunteered for, or
hopefully will want to volunteer for.
Feel free to correct, add or remove tasks for yourself as you see fit.
I've copied to following into last week's meeting minutes,


   What fields and word structure should be in a term definition?

      Action: (OGC/ISO folks. Rees? Ron? Erik?) Please provide URLs and
      section numbers to relevant ISO/OGC specifications.

      Action: (OGC/ISO folks) Some specs are behind a paywall and won’t be
      accessible to others (tech writers). We are looking to source fields and
      rules for constructing a term. Can this information be extracted from
      elsewhere, such as from Ron’s software.

      Action (OGC/ISO folks) Share fields/rules with tech writers.

      Action (Tech Writers Naini?) Review, collate, simplify terms/rules.

   What fields and word structures are used in other tech writing

      Action: (Tech writers: Alyssa? Naini?) Check our use cases. Locate
      other word lists which address our use cases. Look for best practices.
      Catalog the rules they follow.

   Draft business rules for glossary management

      Action: Rob to bullet out first draft. Tech writers to support. (This
      is a big ticket item.)

   Test/learn Ron’s software

      Action: Ron to give a lesson on how to run his software for tech
      writers, Nikos, Brandon, (Erik?). Ron to set up a time.

   Refine OSGeo term definitions

      Action: Tech writers, Nikos to refine existing OSGeo terms to align
      with term definition structure.

   Copy OSGeo terms into Ron’s GeoLexicon web service

      Action: Nikos, tech writers to copy OSGeo terms into Rons GeoLexicon
      web service

   Install Ron’s software

      Action: Brandon to install the software for use in Earth Science
      domain. Test setup instructions, identify issues, help fix,
document Howto

      Action: Tech writer to follow Bandon’s and Ron’s install
      instructions, review, improve.

   Publish blog on OGC website. (Already written by Anika, Scott to

   Identify OSGeo community members / projects who will collaborate with us

      Action: Ankita to catalog OSGeo points of contact from prior
      communications, and continue to build relationships with these
      letting them know what is happening and when to engage. Supported by
      Felicity and Cameron

   Set up doc infrastructure (Google Docs, github repository, kanban board

      Action: Tech writers (Alyssa?) to set this up

Cameron has set up a Google drive to put docs:
Cameron Shorter
Technical Writer, Google
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