[Lexicon] What is your Glossary status?

Cameron Shorter shortcam at google.com
Sun Apr 3 20:10:34 PDT 2022

Hi folks,
I've just completed a major deadline at work, and my team has just brought
on a couple of extra tech writers, which will mean I'll have some more

For the rest of 2022, I'd like to start focusing on glossaries again. In
particular, I think we can get it on my team's requirements management
initiative, and take that to a broader conversation within Google.  I'm a
month or two off being able to start this, but am interested to hear what
other people's plans are so we can coordinate.

In your response, please also indicate whether you would want to join a
team meeting to discuss this. Maybe meeting monthly initially, starting
Tuesday 19 April?

Cameron Shorter,
Technical Writer, Chrome OS Platforms
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