[Liblas-commits] hg: 2 new changesets

liblas-commits at liblas.org liblas-commits at liblas.org
Fri Sep 24 23:23:38 EDT 2010

changeset a3da354eca52 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=a3da354eca52
summary: rework ClassificationFilter to take in a list of classes.  Update the processing kernel to use this with positional arguments

changeset 04c21c394645 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=04c21c394645
summary: fix up extent filtering for the processing kernel


 apps/las2las2.cpp            |   18 ++--
 apps/laskernel.cpp           |  181 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 apps/laskernel.hpp           |    6 +-
 include/liblas/lasbounds.hpp |   34 ++++++++
 include/liblas/lasfilter.hpp |    8 +-
 src/lasfilter.cpp            |   55 +-----------
 6 files changed, 173 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 483 to 300 lines):

diff -r 7c35ffbac023 -r 04c21c394645 apps/las2las2.cpp
--- a/apps/las2las2.cpp	Fri Sep 24 17:13:09 2010 -0500
+++ b/apps/las2las2.cpp	Fri Sep 24 22:23:29 2010 -0500
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
     liblas::Header header;
-    // try {
+    try {
         po::options_description file_options("las2las2 options");
         po::options_description filtering_options = GetFilteringOptions();
@@ -388,14 +388,14 @@
             return (1);
-    // }
-    // catch(std::exception& e) {
-    //     std::cerr << "error: " << e.what() << "\n";
-    //     return 1;
-    // }
-    // catch(...) {
-    //     std::cerr << "Exception of unknown type!\n";
-    // }
+    }
+    catch(std::exception& e) {
+        std::cerr << "error: " << e.what() << "\n";
+        return 1;
+    }
+    catch(...) {
+        std::cerr << "Exception of unknown type!\n";
+    }
     return 0;
diff -r 7c35ffbac023 -r 04c21c394645 apps/laskernel.cpp
--- a/apps/laskernel.cpp	Fri Sep 24 17:13:09 2010 -0500
+++ b/apps/laskernel.cpp	Fri Sep 24 22:23:29 2010 -0500
@@ -12,15 +12,8 @@
 return false;
-liblas::FilterPtr  MakeReturnFilter(std::string return_string, liblas::FilterI::FilterType ftype) 
+liblas::FilterPtr  MakeReturnFilter(std::vector<boost::uint16_t> const& returns, liblas::FilterI::FilterType ftype) 
-    boost::char_separator<char> sep(SEPARATORS);
-    std::vector<boost::uint16_t> returns;
-    tokenizer tokens(return_string, sep);
-    for (tokenizer::iterator t = tokens.begin(); t != tokens.end(); ++t) {
-        returns.push_back(atoi((*t).c_str()));
-    }
     liblas::ReturnFilter* return_filter = new liblas::ReturnFilter(returns, false);
@@ -28,50 +21,16 @@
-liblas::FilterPtr  MakeClassFilter(std::string class_string, liblas::FilterI::FilterType ftype) 
+liblas::FilterPtr  MakeClassFilter(std::vector<liblas::Classification> const& classes, liblas::FilterI::FilterType ftype) 
-    boost::char_separator<char> sep(SEPARATORS);
-    std::vector<boost::uint8_t> classes;
-    tokenizer tokens(class_string, sep);
-    for (tokenizer::iterator t = tokens.begin(); t != tokens.end(); ++t) {
-        classes.push_back(atoi((*t).c_str()));
-    }
     liblas::ClassificationFilter* class_filter = new liblas::ClassificationFilter(classes); 
     return liblas::FilterPtr(class_filter);
-liblas::FilterPtr  MakeBoundsFilter(std::string bounds_string, liblas::FilterI::FilterType ftype) 
+liblas::FilterPtr  MakeBoundsFilter(liblas::Bounds<double> const& bounds, liblas::FilterI::FilterType ftype) 
-    boost::char_separator<char> sep(SEPARATORS);
-    std::vector<double> vbounds;
-    tokenizer tokens(bounds_string, sep);
-    liblas::Bounds<double> bounds;
-    for (tokenizer::iterator t = tokens.begin(); t != tokens.end(); ++t) {
-        vbounds.push_back(atof((*t).c_str()));
-    }
-    if (vbounds.size() == 4) 
-    {
-        bounds = liblas::Bounds<double>(vbounds[0], 
-                                vbounds[1], 
-                                vbounds[2], 
-                                vbounds[3]);
-    } else if (vbounds.size() == 6)
-    {
-        bounds = liblas::Bounds<double>(vbounds[0], 
-                                vbounds[1], 
-                                vbounds[2], 
-                                vbounds[3], 
-                                vbounds[4], 
-                                vbounds[5]);
-    } else {
-        ostringstream oss;
-        oss << "Bounds must be specified as a 4-tuple or "
-               "6-tuple, not a "<< vbounds.size()<<"-tuple" << "\n";
-        throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
-    }
     liblas::BoundsFilter* bounds_filter = new liblas::BoundsFilter(bounds);
     return liblas::FilterPtr(bounds_filter);
@@ -114,15 +73,15 @@
 po::options_description filtering_options("Filtering options");
-    ("extent,e", po::value< string >(), "Extent window that points must fall within to keep.\nUse a comma-separated list, for example, \n  -e minx, miny, maxx, maxy\n  or \n  -e minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz")
+    ("extent,e", po::value< std::vector<double> >()->multitoken(), "Extent window that points must fall within to keep.\nFor example, \n  -e minx miny maxx maxy\n  or \n  -e minx miny minz maxx maxy maxz")
     ("thin,t", po::value<boost::uint32_t>()->default_value(0), "Simple decimation-style thinning.\nThin the file by removing every t'th point from the file.")
     ("last_return_only", po::value<bool>()->zero_tokens(), "Keep last returns (cannot be used with --first_return_only)")
     ("first_return_only", po::value<bool>()->zero_tokens(), "Keep first returns (cannot be used with --last_return_only")
-    ("keep-returns", po::value< string >(), "A comma-separated list of return numbers to keep in the output file: \n--keep-returns 1,2,3")
-    ("drop-returns", po::value< string >(), "Return numbers to drop.\nUse a comma-separated list, for example, --drop-returns 2,3,4,5")
+    ("keep-returns", po::value< std::vector<boost::uint16_t> >()->multitoken(), "A list of return numbers to keep in the output file: \n--keep-returns 1 2 3")
+    ("drop-returns", po::value< std::vector<boost::uint16_t> >()->multitoken(), "Return numbers to drop.\nFor example, --drop-returns 2 3 4 5")
     ("valid_only", po::value<bool>()->zero_tokens(), "Keep only valid points")
-    ("keep-classes", po::value< string >(), "A comma-separated list of classifications to keep:\n--keep-classes 2,4,12\n--keep-classes 2")
-    ("drop-classes", po::value< string >(), "A comma-separated list of classifications to drop:\n--drop-classes 1,7,8\n--drop-classes 2")
+    ("keep-classes", po::value< std::vector<boost::uint32_t > >()->multitoken(), "A list of classifications to keep:\n--keep-classes 2 4 12\n--keep-classes 2")
+    ("drop-classes", po::value< std::vector<boost::uint32_t > >()->multitoken(), "A comma-separated list of classifications to drop:\n--drop-classes 1,7,8\n--drop-classes 2")
     ("keep-intensity", po::value< string >(), "Range in which to keep intensity.\nThe following expression types are supported:  \n--keep-intensity 0-100 \n--keep-intensity <200 \n--keep-intensity >400 \n--keep-intensity >=200")
     ("drop-intensity", po::value< string >(), "Range in which to drop intensity.\nThe following expression types are supported:  \n--drop-intensity <200 \n--drop-intensity >400 \n--drop-intensity >=200")
     ("keep-time", po::value< string >(), "Range in which to keep time.\nThe following expression types are supported:  \n--keep-time 413665.2336-414092.8462 \n--keep-time <414094.8462 \n--keep-time >413665.2336 \n--keep-time >=413665.2336")
@@ -160,32 +119,73 @@
     if (vm.count("keep-classes")) 
-        std::string classes = vm["keep-classes"].as< string >();
+        std::vector<boost::uint32_t> classes = vm["keep-classes"].as< std::vector<boost::uint32_t> >();
+        std::vector<liblas::Classification> klasses;
+        ostringstream oss;
+        for (std::vector<boost::uint32_t>::const_iterator i = classes.begin();
+             i != classes.end();
+             i++) 
+            {
+                oss << *i << " ";
+                klasses.push_back(liblas::Classification(*i, false, false, false));
+            }
         if (verbose)
-            std::cout << "Keeping classes with the values: " << classes << std::endl;
+        {
+                std::cout << "Keeping classes with the values: " << oss.str() << std::endl;
+        }
-        liblas::FilterPtr class_filter = MakeClassFilter(  classes, 
+        liblas::FilterPtr class_filter = MakeClassFilter(  klasses, 
     if (vm.count("drop-classes")) 
-        std::string classes = vm["drop-classes"].as< string >();
+        std::vector<boost::uint32_t> classes = vm["drop-classes"].as< std::vector<boost::uint32_t> >();
+        std::vector<liblas::Classification> klasses;
+        ostringstream oss;
+        for (std::vector<boost::uint32_t>::const_iterator i = classes.begin();
+             i != classes.end();
+             i++) 
+            {
+                oss << *i << " ";
+                klasses.push_back(liblas::Classification(*i,false, false, false));
+            }
         if (verbose)
-            std::cout << "Dropping classes with the values: " << classes << std::endl;
-        liblas::FilterPtr class_filter = MakeClassFilter(  classes, 
+        {
+                std::cout << "Dropping classes with the values: " << oss.str() << std::endl;
+        }
+        liblas::FilterPtr class_filter = MakeClassFilter(  klasses, 
     if (vm.count("keep-returns")) 
-        std::string returns = vm["keep-returns"].as< string >();
+        std::vector<boost::uint16_t> returns = vm["keep-returns"].as< std::vector<boost::uint16_t> >();
         if (verbose)
-            std::cout << "Keeping returns with the values: " << returns << std::endl;
+        {
+            ostringstream oss;
+            for (std::vector<boost::uint16_t>::const_iterator i = returns.begin();
+                 i != returns.end();
+                 i++) 
+                {
+                    oss << *i << " ";
+                }
+                std::cout << "Keeping returns with the values: " << oss.str() << std::endl;
+        }
         liblas::FilterPtr return_filter = MakeReturnFilter(  returns, 
@@ -193,10 +193,20 @@
     if (vm.count("drop-returns")) 
-        std::string returns = vm["drop-returns"].as< string >();
+        std::vector<boost::uint16_t> returns = vm["keep-returns"].as< std::vector<boost::uint16_t> >();
         if (verbose)
-            std::cout << "Dropping returns with the values: " << returns << std::endl;
+        {
+            ostringstream oss;
+            for (std::vector<boost::uint16_t>::const_iterator i = returns.begin();
+                 i != returns.end();
+                 i++) 
+                {
+                    oss << *i << " ";
+                }
+                std::cout << "Dropping returns with the values: " << oss.str() << std::endl;
+        }
         liblas::FilterPtr return_filter = MakeReturnFilter(  returns, 
@@ -204,9 +214,52 @@
     if (vm.count("extent")) 
-        std::string bounds = vm["extent"].as< string >();
+        std::vector<double> vbounds = vm["extent"].as< std::vector<double> >();
+        liblas::Bounds<double> bounds;
+        if (vbounds.size() == 4) 
+        {
+            bounds = liblas::Bounds<double>(vbounds[0], 
+                                    vbounds[1], 
+                                    vbounds[2], 
+                                    vbounds[3]);
+        } else if (vbounds.size() == 6)
+        {
+            bounds = liblas::Bounds<double>(vbounds[0], 
+                                    vbounds[1], 
+                                    vbounds[2], 
+                                    vbounds[3], 
+                                    vbounds[4], 
+                                    vbounds[5]);
+        } else {
+            ostringstream oss;
+            oss << "Bounds must be specified as a 4-tuple or "
+                   "6-tuple, not a "<< vbounds.size()<<"-tuple" << "\n";
+            throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
+        }
         if (verbose)
-            std::cout << "Clipping file to the extent : " << bounds << std::endl;
+        {
+            std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+            std::cout << " Clipping file to the extent" << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+            std::cout.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield);
+            std::cout.precision(6);
+            std::cout << " minx: " << bounds.minx() 
+                      << " miny: " << bounds.miny() 
+                      << " minz: " << bounds.minz() 
+                      << std::endl;
+            std::cout << " maxx: " << bounds.maxx() 
+                      << " maxy: " << bounds.maxy() 
+                      << " maxz: " << bounds.maxz() 
+                      << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+        }
         liblas::FilterPtr bounds_filter = MakeBoundsFilter(bounds, liblas::FilterI::eInclusion);
diff -r 7c35ffbac023 -r 04c21c394645 apps/laskernel.hpp
--- a/apps/laskernel.hpp	Fri Sep 24 17:13:09 2010 -0500
+++ b/apps/laskernel.hpp	Fri Sep 24 22:23:29 2010 -0500
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@
 bool IsDualRangeFilter(std::string parse_string) ;
-liblas::FilterPtr MakeReturnFilter(std::string return_string, liblas::FilterI::FilterType ftype) ;

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