[Liblas-commits] hg-main-tree: more libpc::drivers::oci::Reader work

liblas-commits at liblas.org liblas-commits at liblas.org
Thu Mar 31 08:27:54 EDT 2011

details:   http://hg.libpc.orghg-main-tree/rev/d1159a5c7fdf
changeset: 485:d1159a5c7fdf
user:      Howard Butler <hobu.inc at gmail.com>
date:      Thu Mar 31 07:27:43 2011 -0500
more libpc::drivers::oci::Reader work


 apps/pc2pc.cpp                          |    3 +-
 include/libpc/drivers/oci/Reader.hpp    |    1 +
 include/libpc/drivers/oci/oci_wrapper.h |   47 ++++++
 src/drivers/oci/Reader.cpp              |  229 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 src/drivers/oci/common.cpp              |   12 +
 src/drivers/oci/oci_wrapper.cpp         |  250 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 6 files changed, 494 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 705 to 300 lines):

diff -r 55dd6b15eee2 -r d1159a5c7fdf apps/pc2pc.cpp
--- a/apps/pc2pc.cpp	Tue Mar 29 12:22:08 2011 -0500
+++ b/apps/pc2pc.cpp	Thu Mar 31 07:27:43 2011 -0500
@@ -154,7 +154,8 @@
             tree.put("connection", "lidar/lidar at oracle.hobu.biz/crrel");
             tree.put("debug", true);
             tree.put("verbose", true);
-            tree.put("select_sql", "select * from output");
+            // tree.put("select_sql", "select * from output");
+            tree.put("select_sql", "select cloud from hobu where id = 5");
             libpc::drivers::oci::Reader reader(options);
diff -r 55dd6b15eee2 -r d1159a5c7fdf include/libpc/drivers/oci/Reader.hpp
--- a/include/libpc/drivers/oci/Reader.hpp	Tue Mar 29 12:22:08 2011 -0500
+++ b/include/libpc/drivers/oci/Reader.hpp	Thu Mar 31 07:27:43 2011 -0500
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
     void Debug();
     void registerFields();
+    void fetchPCFields();
     Options& m_options;
     Connection m_connection;
diff -r 55dd6b15eee2 -r d1159a5c7fdf include/libpc/drivers/oci/oci_wrapper.h
--- a/include/libpc/drivers/oci/oci_wrapper.h	Tue Mar 29 12:22:08 2011 -0500
+++ b/include/libpc/drivers/oci/oci_wrapper.h	Thu Mar 31 07:27:43 2011 -0500
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
 #define SDO_GEOMETRY                TYPE_OWNER".SDO_GEOMETRY"
 #define SDO_PC                      TYPE_OWNER".SDO_PC"
+#define SDO_PC_BLK                  TYPE_OWNER".SDO_PC_BLK"
@@ -250,6 +251,35 @@
 typedef struct sdo_pc_ind SDO_PC_ind;
+struct sdo_pc_blk
+    OCINumber           obj_id;
+    OCINumber           blk_id;
+    SDO_GEOMETRY_TYPE   blk_extent;
+    SDO_ORGSCL_TYPE     blk_domain;
+    OCINumber           pcblk_min_res;
+    OCINumber           pcblk_max_res;
+    OCINumber           num_points;
+    OCINumber           num_unsorted_points;
+    OCINumber           pt_sort_dim;
+    void*               points;
+typedef struct sdo_pc_blk SDO_PC_BLK_TYPE;
+struct sdo_pc_blk_type_ind
+    OCIInd              _atomic;
+    OCIInd              obj_id;
+    OCIInd              blk_id;
+    sdo_geometry_ind    blk_extent;
+    sdo_orgscl_type_ind blk_domain;
+    OCIInd              pcblk_min_res;
+    OCIInd              pcblk_max_res;
+    OCIInd              num_points;
+    OCIInd              num_unsorted_points;
+    OCIInd              pt_sort_dim;
+typedef struct sdo_pc_blk_type_ind SDO_PC_BLK_TYPE_ind;
 /*                            Oracle class wrappers                        */
@@ -295,6 +325,8 @@
     OCIType*            hGeometryTDO;
     OCIType*            hGeoRasterTDO;
     OCIType*            hPCTDO;
+    OCIType*            hPC_BLK_TDO;
     OCIType*            hElemArrayTDO;
     OCIType*            hOrdnArrayTDO;
@@ -313,6 +345,8 @@
     void                CreateType( sdo_geometry** pphData );
     void                DestroyType( sdo_geometry** pphData );
+    void                CreateType( sdo_pc** pphData );
+    void                DestroyType( sdo_pc** pphData );
     void                CreateType( OCIArray** phData , OCIType* type);
     void                DestroyType( OCIArray** phData );
     OCIType*            DescribeType( const char *pszTypeName );
@@ -329,6 +363,7 @@
     OCIType*            GetGeoRasterType() { return hGeoRasterTDO; }
     OCIType*            GetElemInfoType() {return hElemArrayTDO; }
     OCIType*            GetOrdinateType() {return hOrdnArrayTDO; }
+    OCIType*            GetPCType() {return hPCTDO; }
     bool                Commit(); // OCITransCommit()
     bool                StartTransaction(); //  //OCITransStart()
@@ -366,6 +401,16 @@
     bool                Fetch( int nRows = 1 );
     unsigned int        nFetchCount;
+    bool                GetNextField(
+                            int nIndex,
+                            char* pszName,
+                            int* pnType,
+                            int* pnSize,
+                            int* pnPrecision,
+                            signed short* pnScale,
+                            char* pszTypeName);
     int                 GetInteger( OCINumber* ppoData );
     double              GetDouble( OCINumber* ppoData );
     char*               GetString( OCIString* ppoData );
@@ -375,6 +420,7 @@
     void                Bind( double* pnData );
     void                Bind( char* pData, long nData );
     void                Bind( sdo_geometry** pphData );
+    void                Bind( sdo_pc_blk** pphData );
     void                Bind( OCILobLocator** pphLocator );
     void                Bind( OCIArray** pphData, OCIType* type );
     void                Bind( char* pszData, int nSize = OWNAME );
@@ -387,6 +433,7 @@
     void                Define( sdo_georaster** pphData );
     void                Define( sdo_geometry** pphData );
     void                Define( sdo_pc** pphData );
+    void                Define( sdo_pc_blk** pphData );
     void                Define( OCILobLocator** pphLocator, long nIterations );
     void                BindName( const char* pszName, int* pnData );
     void                BindName( const char* pszName, double* pnData );
diff -r 55dd6b15eee2 -r d1159a5c7fdf src/drivers/oci/Reader.cpp
--- a/src/drivers/oci/Reader.cpp	Tue Mar 29 12:22:08 2011 -0500
+++ b/src/drivers/oci/Reader.cpp	Thu Mar 31 07:27:43 2011 -0500
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
 #include <libpc/exceptions.hpp>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <map>
 namespace libpc { namespace drivers { namespace oci {
@@ -60,9 +62,165 @@
         throw libpc_error("'select_sql' statement is empty. No data can be read from libpc::drivers::oci::Reader");
     m_statement = Statement(m_connection->CreateStatement(sql.c_str()));
+    registerFields();
+    m_statement->Execute(0);
+    fetchPCFields();
+    // int foo;
+    // int block_id;
+    // 
+    // m_statement->Define(&foo);
+    // m_statement->Define(&block_id);
+    sdo_pc_blk* block;
+    sdo_pc* pc;
+    m_connection->CreateType(&pc);
+    m_statement->Define(&pc);
+    while(m_statement->Fetch() )
+    {
+        std::cout << " Block: " << m_statement->GetInteger(&(pc->pc_id)) << std::endl;
+    }
+void Reader::fetchPCFields()
+    int   iCol = 0;
+    char  szFieldName[OWNAME];
+    int   hType = 0;
+    int   nSize = 0;
+    int   nPrecision = 0;
+    signed short nScale = 0;
+    char szTypeName[OWNAME];
+    bool isPCObject = false;
+    bool isBlockTable = false;
+    const int columns_size = 10;
+    std::string block_columns[columns_size];
+    block_columns[0] = "OBJ_ID";
+    block_columns[1] = "BLK_ID";
+    block_columns[2] = "BLK_EXTENT";
+    block_columns[3] = "BLK_DOMAIN";
+    block_columns[4] = "PCBLK_MIN_RES";
+    block_columns[5] = "PCBLK_MAX_RES";
+    block_columns[6] = "NUM_POINTS";
+    block_columns[7] = "NUM_UNSORTED_POINTS";
+    block_columns[8] = "PT_SORT_DIM";
+    block_columns[9] = "POINTS";
+    std::map<std::string, bool> columns_map;
+    for(int i = 0; i < columns_size; ++i)
+    {
+        columns_map.insert(std::pair<std::string, bool>(block_columns[i], false));
+    }
+    while( m_statement->GetNextField(iCol, szFieldName, &hType, &nSize, &nPrecision, &nScale, szTypeName) )
+    {
+        std::string name = to_upper(std::string(szFieldName));
+        std::map<std::string, bool>::iterator it = columns_map.find(name);
+        if (it != columns_map.end())
+        {
+            // std::cout << "setting columns to true for " << it->first << std::endl;
+            (*it).second = true;
+        }
+        switch( hType )
+        {
+            case SQLT_FLT:
+                std::cout << "Field " << szFieldName << " is SQL_FLT" << std::endl;
+                break;
+            case SQLT_NUM:
+                if( nPrecision == 0 )
+                {
+                    std::cout << "Field " << szFieldName << " is SQLT_NUM with precision 0" << std::endl;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    std::cout << "Field " << szFieldName << " is SQLT_NUM with precision " << nPrecision << std::endl;
+                }
+                break;
+            case SQLT_BLOB:
+                std::cout << "Field " << szFieldName << " is SQLT_BLOB" << std::endl;
+                break;
+            case SQLT_NTY:
+                if (compare_no_case(szTypeName, "SDO_PC", 6) == 0)
+                    isPCObject = true;
+                std::cout << "Field " << szFieldName << " is SQLT_NTY with type name " << szTypeName  << std::endl;
+                break;
+            case SQLT_AFC:
+            case SQLT_CHR:
+                std::cout << "Field " << szFieldName << " is SQLT_CHR" << std::endl;
+                break;
+            case SQLT_DAT:
+            case SQLT_DATE:
+            case SQLT_TIMESTAMP:
+            case SQLT_TIMESTAMP_TZ:
+            case SQLT_TIMESTAMP_LTZ:
+            case SQLT_TIME:
+            case SQLT_TIME_TZ:
+                std::cout << "Field " << szFieldName << " is some kind of time type" << std::endl;
+                break;
+            default:
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << "Field " << szFieldName << " with type " << hType << " is not handled by fetchPCFields";
+                throw libpc_error(oss.str());
+        }
+        iCol++;
+    }
+    // Assume we're a block table until we say we aren't.  Loop through all of 
+    // the required columns that make up a block table and if we find one that 
+    // wasn't marked in the loop above, we're not a block table.
+    isBlockTable = true;
+    std::map<std::string, bool>::iterator it = columns_map.begin();
+    while (it != columns_map.end())
+    {   
+        if (it->second == false) 
+        {
+            isBlockTable = false; 
+            break;
+        }
+        ++it;
+    }
+    if (!isBlockTable && !isPCObject) 
+    {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        std::string sql = m_options.GetPTree().get<std::string>("select_sql");
+        oss << "Select statement '" << sql << "' does not fetch an SDO_PC object" 
+              " or one that is equivalent to SDO_PC_BLK_TYPE";

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