[Liblas-devel] .net/mono bindings in c#

Martin Rodriguez mrodriguez at stereocarto.com
Fri Aug 8 03:12:30 EDT 2008


> I saw a Trac login on http://liblas.org under the name 'martin' and I  
> assumed that is you.  Anyway, I have given you svn commit access, and  
> I created a csharp directory in which you can layout and place your  
> bindings.  I would suggest hanging out on #liblas on irc.freenode.net  
> to catch Mateusz and I if you have any questions.

Yes, i am. Thank you

csharp directory not please. This is not a c# bindings else mono/.net

This library can work in all this languages>

The most interesting languages in my opinion are c# and boo.


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