[Liblas-devel] .net/mono bindings in c#

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Mon Aug 11 03:19:50 EDT 2008

On Aug 11, 2008, at 2:14 AM, Martin Rodriguez wrote:

> Hi:
>> Dear Fellows,
>> I'd have one suggestion to the .NET/Mono bindings submission.
>> Martin, if you don't mind, I'd be thankful if you could first  
>> submit a
>> Ticket for this task, with a short or very short summary of this  
>> motion.
>> Then, please use the ticket number in SVN log message while you  
>> will be
>> importing your module to the repo. The preferred convention is  
>> something
>> like this:
>> svn ci -m "Importing .... (#23)"
>> #23 is a sample ticket number
>> Best regards,
> I am lost now. I only know use SVN Server like in google code with  
> an user
> and password. Any help? The ticket number stuff is new for me. The  
> tickets
> are something of Trac software?
> Regards.


Did you create a username 'martin' on the http://liblas.org site using  
the "Register" function?  If so, I have given this user the ability to  
commit to SVN.  The password you chose for the login on that site is  
the same one you would use for committing to SVN.

Trac is an Open Source Software solution for keeping track of software  
development issues.  It's a bug tracker that combines a source  
repository with a bug database.  Trac calls bugs "tickets," and they  
are uniquely numbered as they are created.  Mateusz is suggesting that  
for each series of commits that you make (or plan to make) to the  
libLAS source repository, you first create a ticket by logging into  
the website at http://liblas.org and choosing "New Ticket."  Fill out  
the appropriate information.  Once you do so, in your commit messages  
(see the SVN RedBook for more detail on how to use SVN, or find  
Mateusz or I on IRC on #liblas) you can refer to these bug reports  
using the # shorthand (#23 in Mateusz' example).


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