[Liblas-devel] libLAS 1.0.0 Final Released

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 22:02:50 EDT 2008



I'm excited to announce our first official release of libLAS!  I would  
like to take this opportunity to thank the Iowa DNR, specifically Pete  
Kollasch, Jim Giglierano, and Chris Ensminger, who took a small risk  
to support and bootstrap libLAS' development.  Without their initial  
funding, libLAS would not exist.  Additionally, I would like to thank  
Mateusz Loskot, who provided most of the C++ expertise that powers  
libLAS.  Finally, I would like to thank all of the folks that have  
helped by testing through the initial releases and the 1.0.0 beta  
releases.  Without your input, the library wouldn't be as good.

The only additional development that has taken place between beta3 and  
1.0.0 is support for reading/writing generic VLR data was added to the  
C and Python APIs (http://liblas.org/ticket/78).  As you've probably  
seen on the mailing list, .NET bindings development has been ongoing  
by Martin and Mateusz, and once they feel the .NET bindings are ready,  
they'll add them to the 1.0.0 release page as a separate source and  
binary release (similar to how the Python release is handled).

For Windows users, the OSGeo4W packages contains the Python bindings,  
command-line utilities (including las2ogr), and development packages.   
Unless you plan to embed libLAS in your own software, you should use  
OSGeo4W.  Also, OSGeo4W provides you with a lot of other goodies like  
GDAL which you might find quite useful.

For everyone else, there is only the source package.  libLAS is a  
generic GNU autoconf/autotools project, however, and building libLAS  
is as simple as ./configure;make;make install.  Other packaging  
efforts, such as Debian and Fink are welcome to package libLAS, and I  
hope it attracts their attention.

OSGeo4W Release

- http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/osgeo4w-setup.exe

Windows Release

- http://liblas.org/raw-attachment/wiki/1.0.0/liblas-1.0.0-win32.zip
- http://liblas.org/raw-attachment/wiki/1.0.0/liblas-1.0.0-win32.zip.md5

Source Release

- http://liblas.org/raw-attachment/wiki/1.0.0/liblas-1.0.0-src.tar.bz2
- http://liblas.org/raw-attachment/wiki/1.0.0/liblas-1.0.0-src.tar.bz2.md5

Python Release

- http://pypi.python.org/pypi/libLAS/1.0.0



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