[Liblas-devel] Motion: migrate from subversion to mercurial

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 13:21:36 EDT 2009

On Aug 26, 2009, at 9:29 AM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:

> Howard Butler wrote:
>> All,
>> I would like to migrate our source repositories from subversion to  
>> mercurial.  We will continue to use Trac with plugin support for  
>> mercurial.  Mercurial better fits how I am working these days (the  
>> ability to commit to a repository off the internets), and I think  
>> its usage would support some of the corporate types using libLAS  
>> that are maintaining their own separate repositories.
>> Push access would continue to be the same as subversion commit  
>> access, and almost none of our processes would change as a result  
>> of this migration.
>> libLAS committers who care, please sound off.
> +1




I will update the wiki page and other documentation as part of kicking  
out the 1.2.1 release, which I hope is today or tomorrow.


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