[Liblas-devel] libLAS / GRASS GIS workflow micro-tutorial for LIDAR data

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 12:00:02 EST 2009

On Feb 6, 2009, at 1:10 AM, Hamish wrote:

> Hi LIDAR users,
> I have written a mini-tutorial on using LAS formatted data with
> GRASS GIS. It is actually quite a simple task, but sometimes the
> incantations and programs to use are not so obvious if you haven't
> used the software extensively.
>  http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/LIDAR#Micro-tutorial
> tested with GRASS 6.4rc2, libLAS 1.0.1, and LAS spec v1.0 data.
> improvements welcome. (directly to the wiki please)

Nice work Hamish.  Glad you are using libLAS.  When might GRASS  
improve to using libLAS directly so there is no need for the las2txt  

Also, libLAS and its linking libraries and include files are available  
for OSGeo4W, which I see GRASS is starting to take advantage of for  
its windows builds.


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