[Liblas-devel] Fetching color information for LAS files

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 16:09:26 EST 2010


I have just implemented a number of options in las2las that allow you to fetch color information from a GDAL-readable raster.  I would like to thank Aaron Reyna for the Autzen_Stadium data that exists on the http://liblas.org/samples sample library that made it easy to test and implement.  This new method in las2las should be considered a replacement for the Python implementation that is available for download if you have a source release of libLAS.

>   --color-source arg       A string to a GDAL-openable raster data source.  Use
>                            GDAL VRTs if you want to adjust the data source or 
>                            set its coordinate system, etc. 
>                            --color-source "afile.tif" 
>   --color-source-bands arg A list of three bands from the --color-source to 
>                            assign to the R, G, B  values for the point 
>                            --color-source-bands 1 2 3
>   --color-source-scale arg A number used by --color-source to scale the input 
>                            R, G, B  values for the point.  For example, to 
>                            scale the 8 bit color data from an input raster to 
>                            16 bit, the 8 bit data should be multiplied by 256. 
>                            --color-source-scale 256

This new functionality will be released in 1.6.0b3.


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