[Liblas-devel] lasinfo: error while loading shared libraries

Eric Goddard egoddard at memphis.edu
Sat Feb 19 11:50:10 EST 2011

Hello everyone,

I am trying to load some lidar data with grass/QGIS. Following the
compilation instructions at http://liblas.org/compilation.html, I have
successfully compiled and installed LibLAS1.6.0 on Linux Mint 10 (Ubuntu
10.10) with GDAL support to /usr/local.

whenever I run

     lasinfo -c ~/Downloads/S1980745.las

I get the following error message:

lasinfo: error while loading shared libraries: liblas.so.2.0.0: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

This error occurs when running any of the las* tools, though liblas-config
will correctly output its version.

My /usr/local/lib directory contains the following liblas related files:

liblas_c.so        liblas.so
liblas_c.so.2.0.0  liblas.so.2.0.0

so I am not sure why is saying that it cannot find the files.

Any insight into this issue would be greatly appreciated.

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