[Liblas-devel] Can Liblas only update a small portion of the points in Lidar file?

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 13:47:27 EST 2012

On Jan 6, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Hongwei Shen wrote:

> Hello,
> The scenario is: the user opens a large Lidar file,  changes the
> classification labels of a small number of points and save the changes
> to the file.  When the Lidar file is huge, it is time-consuming to
> output all the points. So it would be better if only the modified
> points are updated in the Lidar file.  According to my understanding
> now, Liblas needs to save  all the (changed and unchanged) points to a
> new Lidar file. That's because Liblas can open a Lidar file either in
> read-only mode or write-only mode, but not in read-write mode.
> Do I understand correctly?  Is there a way to only update some points?

Yes, your understanding is correct. libLAS does not support in-place updating of points.


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