Hi:<br><br>today Roberto Antolin and me are working with liblas for first time with c++ and .NET. We found several problems with c++ and C APIs:<br><br>- CAPI not exposed in windows. I am using the mateus compilation and mi mingw compilation.<br>
I tried use this file but donīt have the CAPI or i can not see it:<br><a href="http://liblas.org/raw-attachment/wiki/1.0.0/liblas-1.0.0-win32.zip">http://liblas.org/raw-attachment/wiki/1.0.0/liblas-1.0.0-win32.zip</a><br>
<br><br>- CAPI GetPointAt always the same pointer:<br><br> Console.WriteLine("___ " + CAPI.LASReader_GetPointAt(hReader, position) + " __ ");<br> Console.WriteLine("___ " + CAPI.LASReader_GetPointAt(hReader, position+1) + " __ ");<br>
<br>With this i get always the same pointer.<br><br>is it possible this CAPI is wrong??<br><br>LAS_DLL const LASPointH LASReader_GetPointAt(const LASReaderH hReader, liblas::uint32_t position)<br>287 {<br>288 VALIDATE_POINTER1(hReader, "LASReader_GetPointAt", NULL);<br>
289 <br>290 try {<br>291 LASReader *reader = ((LASReader*) hReader);<br>292 if (reader->ReadPointAt((std::size_t) position)) <br>293 // return (LASPointH) new LASPoint(reader->GetPoint());<br>
294 return (LASPointH) &(reader->GetPoint());<br>295 else <br>296 return NULL;<br>297 } catch (invalid_point_data const& e /*e */) {<br>298 LASError_PushError(LE_Failure, e.what(), "LASReader_GetPointAt Invalid Point");<br>
299 } catch (std::exception const& e)<br>300 {<br>301 LASError_PushError(LE_Failure, e.what(), "LASReader_GetPointAt");<br>302 }<br>303 <br>304 return NULL;<br>305 <br>
306 }<br><br>see the line 294.<br><br>I donīt ask a ticket because i am not sure.<br><br><br>But now Roberto Antolin is working with the c++ API and works perfectly fine.<br><br><br>Regards.<br><br>