[Live-demo] progress

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com
Wed Aug 26 03:54:43 EDT 2009

can you please let me know which applications are just apt-get install, 
and which you customised, so that we can create the install scripts. 
(This is important for us if we want to engage others to join the 
project and participate.)

Stefan Hansen wrote:
> Hey!
> I added today some things to the VM:
> Postgres/Postgis
> PGadmin3
> sun jre 6
> tomcat6 and tomcat admin
> Mapserver
> apaches2
> udig and Geoserver are in progress...
> I also started to configure somethings in tomcat, Postgres.
> for some of these apps I checked a script into svn (not all though. Most
> of it is anyway only apt-get, so you should be able to reproduce it, if
> you want).
> Ricardo, if you want to add something, can you write a script for it,
> which I can simply run in my VM?
> cheers,
> stefan
> -- 
> Stefan Hansen
> Software Engineer
> LISAsoft
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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