[Live-demo] Mapnik

Dane Springmeyer blake at hailmail.net
Sun Aug 30 15:24:17 EDT 2009

Install script attached (and pasted below) which installs Mapnik 0.5.1  
(available via packages on 9.04) and a simple 'Hello World' OpenLayers  
demo application.



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# Copyright (c) 2009 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation.
# Licensed under the GNU LGPL.
# About:
# =====
# This script will install Mapnik library and Python bindings
# and TileLite for a demo 'World Borders' application
# Running:
# =======
# sudo ./install_mapnik.sh

# will fetch Mapnik 0.5.1 on Ubuntu 9.04
apt-get install python-mapnik

# download, install, and setup demo Mapnik tile-serving application

mkdir $TMP
cd $TMP

# download TileLite sources
wget http://bitbucket.org/springmeyer/tilelite/get/tip.zip
unzip tip.zip
cd tilelite

# using the standard python installation tools
python setup.py install # will install 'tilelite.py' in site-packages  
and 'liteserv.py' in default bin directory

# copy TileLite demo application and data to 'mapnik' subfolder of  
mkdir $DATA_FOLDER/mapnik
cp demo $DATA_FOLDER/mapnik -R

# then to run demo do...
cd $DATA_FOLDER/mapnik

# lauch the tile server with a Mapnik XML mapfile as input
liteserv.py demo/population.xml

# Note on the above command which launchs server.
# The paths in XML mapfile depend on the demo being run from this  
exact spot,
# so users must either edit the shapefile path inside 'population.xml'  
or make sure to
# run from '$DATA_FOLDER/mapnik'


# View the server homepage:
# open in a browser...
# http://yourdomain.com:8000 or http://localhost:8000

# Then view the tiles in sample OpenLayers Map (needs internet  
connection for OpenLayers.js, etc)
# file:///usr/local/share/mapnik/demo/openlayers.html

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