[Live-demo] Re: Dropbox on GISVM for script sharing

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 2 03:34:38 EDT 2009

Ricardo wrote:
> I really think that we should implement a synchronized
> folder inside GISVM so that we could easily share and update
> the install scripts we are making.
> The idea is to use the multi-platform engine: Dropbox.
> http://www.getdropbox.com/

I have no problem with adding a dropbox per se, it's a fine idea.
But for the script development specifically, IMO the most sane approach
it to keep it in a single dedicated place.

The whole point of SVN is to handle distributed source code management
without it becoming fragmented and out of sync. Also the revision control
and logs it gives are really really important when you are trying to
untangle some bug at some point in the future when short term memory
has faded. (everyone is supplying useful commit comments, yes? :)

I would suggest to keep a single SVN repository (either hosted at OSGeo
or at GISVM's server, I don't really care as long as we don't dilute
focus*) and make sure that everyone has write access to it. Public access
from the internet with no accountability log is a no-go. Simply too many
moronic vandals out there to deal with. All anyone has to do to get write
access on the OSGeo livedvd SVN is create yourself an OSGeo ID and let us
know what it is, it's very easy to add people.

[*] this is the "divide" part of "divide and conquer", it's a trap.

Keep an up to date copy on the GISVM side with
  svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/ osgeo_scripts

then keep it in sync with
  cd osgeo_scripts
  svn up

If you wish to develop some here, develop some there, then merge the two
later, there are other SCM systems such as Mercurial and Git which are
very good at that. Subversion is geared to the single central host +
multiple local development copies model.

SCM is a wonderful wonderful thing and is well worth the learning curve.
We should not abandon or nullify its best features. The payoff is huge,
the pitfalls of not using it are many. made my point yet? :)



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