[Live-demo] Re: Three weeks till Geospatial Live DVD 3.0 feature
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
jsanz at prodevelop.es
Fri Jan 15 03:17:16 EST 2010
Hash: SHA1
On 14/01/10 20:48, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Jorge,
> Good to hear you are on the case. Could you please CC your response to
> the live DVD list so others are aware of what you are up to:
> <live-demo at lists.osgeo.org>
> On 15/01/2010 2:29 AM, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas wrote:
> On 14/01/10 12:28, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>> Jorge,
> Hi Cameron,
> First, thanks for remember gvSIG project :-)
>>>> Do you plan to update gvSIG on the LiveDVD (currently at version
>>>> 1.9RC1).
> Well those days I've been hyper busy with a project and I've seen the
> mails on the list but I hadn't time to read them.
> As I've used a .deb package produced by a gvSIG developer, I'll ask
> him to see if he can produce a new one with the stable version.
>> Thanks. Can you please ensure that the .deb is for the latest release of
>> Ubuntu / Xubuntu, version 9.10.
There is deb package for gvSIG 1.9 stable[1] so I'll try to get the
scripts updated and tested on next release.
>>>> Also, would it be appropriate to include gvSIG mobile? If so, could you
>>>> please forward this email onto the right person to talk to about
>>>> bundling it.
> Well, gvSIG mobile runs on linux... but without ECW support. I can
> create a script for it, sure. There is also a non-official[1] version
> developed by a colleague that runs on Linux devices like OpenMoko and
> Maemo and Linux desktops[2].
> Do you think if it could be interesting for the live DVD?
> Cheers
> [1] http://gvsigmobileonopenmoko.wordpress.com/
> [2] http://gvsigmobileonopenmoko.wordpress.com/docs/
>> The LiveDVD is targeted to run on a laptop, so it probably would not be
>> appropriate for the liveDVD as it is, but it would be appropriate to
>> have it run inside a mobile platform emulator. Does such an emulator exist?
Well I have gvSIG mobile on my linux and is a good and fast basic GIS
viewer. There is not so much soft of this kind on the foss4g realm, so
maybe it has its value. The footprint on disk is 11MB.
gvSIG mobile runs on a J2SE standard machine as it's based on the CDC
profile of J2ME witch is more or less a subset of J2SE 1.4, so I don't
think an emulator is needed (and I don't know any Windows Mobile
emulator for linux). In fact, the gvSIG mobile developers work using
the J2SE VM on their workstations.
The non-official version developed by Juan Lucas and others has some
nice features non-present on the standard, taking profit of linux
specific capabilities like using gpsd.
I can install one, another or both, is up to us, as a group to decide
what to include, isn't it?
- --
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía
tfno: +34 963 510 612
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