[Live-demo] sorting icons

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 05:07:05 EDT 2010

I like:

> |_ deegree
>    |_ start
>    |_ stop
> |_ geoserver
>    |_ start
>    |_ stop

Hamish, think this level of breakdown should be sufficient for the 
moment, I don't think we need to split servers into any more groups.

Hamish wrote:
> Hi,
> the Server menu is a bit too heavy with icons (it fails the platoon rule
> of no more than approx a dozen objects per level of hierarchy). Can any
> of the server app people see a way two split them in to two categories?
> currently we have:
>  -Desktop GIS
>  -Navigation and Maps
>  -Servers
>  -Spatial Tools
>  -Crisis Management
>  -Databases (so far unused)
> With these in the Server menu:
> deegree-*
> geoserver-*
> *geonetwork*
> geomajas-*
> mapserver
> mapnik-*
> mapguide*
> 52n-*
> (*- typically -Start, -Stop, etc)
> sub-menus from within the Server menu would be ideal, but I'm short
> on time and splitting the category into two is easier. :)
> thanks,
> Hamish
> ps- projects should place their startup icons on the user's Desktop,
> they get sorted from there for the menus.
>   http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Add_Project#Packaging_conventions
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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