[Live-demo] Last Call for PostGIS Datasets

Brian Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Sun Jul 18 21:32:41 EDT 2010

Hi All-

    I am looking at the 10m Natural Earth vectors as a PostGIS database..
its very compact.. perhaps 12 MB when loaded.. on the other hand,
there aren't a lot of interesting corners in there, from a data point 
of view..
(not too surprising, since it is a visual treatment, first and foremost)

  The basic dataset in the examples from the LiveDVD v3 was 'medford'
Medford is a rich, detailed and interesting set.. about 70-80MB when 

   At some point soon, the examples, quickstart, or equivalent are going 
to have to be written for the LiveDVD v4 such that it refers to 
something in PostGIS. Right now we have the osm_local, Barcelona, 
which, while great for rendering via Mapnik, is a particularly poor 
choice for general PostGIS demonstration..

  So, I am wondering aloud what set(s) to use...

(I am not going to dig up some cool Spain oriented set in time, of that 
I am sure..)
(the Sydney set from v3 is not worth re-using)


Brian Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter
(415) 717-4462 cell

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