[Live-demo] IRC meeting to discuss RC3 and final releases of the liveDVD

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 14:59:49 EST 2010

I suggest we have a meeting this Th/Fr to discuss outstanding issues on 
the LiveDVD, as per wiki page below.

Feel free to add items to the agenda



Location: irc://freenode.net#foss4g


    * According to our schedule, we are a few days late for our RC3
      release. I hope that we can the next release out this weekend,

    * And we have 12 days till the final release.
    * This meeting is to set out our plan for getting this final release
      out the door.


    * Planning and documenting testing, as per: [Live_GIS_Disc_Testing].
      I want to have a brief test description for every package, and
      then track that someone has tested every application.
    * Decide on background image
    * Decide on menu structure, (can we loose the icons from the desktop?)
    *  From the next release, we need to test creating an ISO image. Do
      we have a volunteer?
    * Documentation: I'd love it if someone could go through all
      documentation and make it consistent (without changing any
      content). If we are really keen, it would be good if someone could
      incorporate Jody's OpenOffice overview of each package, and
      incorporate this into the documentation build. Jody has documented
      how to start up and run most of the packages, using screen
      snapshots and all. I've worked out how we can convert these docs
      into HTML from an install script using abiword. If we haven't got
      time for this, it will need to wait until the next release.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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